When I went to the fridge prior to setting off on my epic LNER journey I noticed there was no milk in the fridge. For that I blame you @Marmaduke as you are on here not in yer milk float :p
Humblest apologies, alas my milk float only makes deliveries in excess of 25,000 litres at a time so it might start going off by the time you've finished it:D How much do you like cornflakes?:p:p
As in a donkey on the beach give rides down the sand to snotty nosed little kids in the summer? Grand job that, getting stroked and patted by yummy mummies in their swimming cozzies:p
So we had our fix of “Game of thrones” and “Victoria “ last night and tonight was “Gentlemen Jack”

That’s it soaps out of the way back to the normal crap:D, what am I gonna do till next Monday?

It’s ok I have my own list, please don’t add to it:)


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