M is having a taste of this (not for me)


The bottle lies, summers here I say:)

Get a job with Metcalfe Farms or Kings and move real loads ;)
Depends on if you like sleeping in your own bed or the back of a wagon, personally I'll never do nights out again. First question through you door in any interview and if the answer is yes or very occasionally then I thank them for their time and walk away. It's called tramping for a reason....
I made an enquiry about lessons & was offered 2 class 2 jobs even before getting a licence. :)

Class 1 work tramping all week(mon/fri) £600 to start no experience.
Plenty of work,paying more than office work. Only trouble is the hours vary.

Nice job moving race horses round the country,eire & France. ;)
Eye biner busy ippo terday. Eye binter omebase ter luk ut stuff. Eye binter haxminsta fer me g clamps. Eye binter Sainsbury's fer me food. Eye bin back ter omebase fer me wud. Eye as just etted me spuds. Eye were int garden un urd an elastic band twang sound un it beer robin ont fence. It's usual watchin persistion. So eye put worms oot un it got some. Kept flyin erway un returnin so eye put some more oot.
I made an enquiry about lessons & was offered 2 class 2 jobs even before getting a licence. :)

Class 1 work tramping all week(mon/fri) £600 to start no experience.
Plenty of work,paying more than office work. Only trouble is the hours vary.

Nice job moving race horses round the country,eire & France. ;)

Just couldn't be arsed crawling round the UK trying to find legitimate rest places and over priced truck stops. That said, best of luck getting through the process. Horses for courses, I spent years driving for little return and it is the hardest work I've every done in respect of hourly rate vs effort and risk.
Eye biner busy ippo terday. Eye binter omebase ter luk ut stuff. Eye binter haxminsta fer me g clamps. Eye binter Sainsbury's fer me food. Eye bin back ter omebase fer me wud. Eye as just etted me spuds. Eye were int garden un urd an elastic band twang sound un it beer robin ont fence. It's usual watchin persistion. So eye put worms oot un it got some. Kept flyin erway un returnin so eye put some more oot.

I has a bobbin visit too. But only occasionally, an when the bastid starlins have fecked oft. Am spending rather a lot on mealy worms.
I don't care.
Havin dickies in the garden is a real treat.:)
Hang on, my bobbin dunt go "kertwang".
What kinda mealy worms you got anyways?o_O
Get some wire mesh big enough ter let little birds int but keep bigguns oot if they is causin er problem. eBay does mesh different sizes. Put it round yer feeder. Ideally with er gap so the mesh sits about 3 inch from it.

We asser fence between gardens. 6 foot tall. Oner them verticle stripes er wood type. When birds land on it it sounds er bit like er cartoon when a dart hits somefink.

Eye gotted these:


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