what about adding tinned peas, and follow with tinned peaches in syrup and condensed milk for the true 70s experience. :vb-biggrin:
More like the 60s but still get what you mean. 70s was the decade of frozen and packet stuff, dried came before that sort of, if memory serves. My ma was the laziest cook out, so we had Smash, fish fingers, frozen peas, dried packet soup, etc. as well as the tinned stuff.
Thankfully my dad was much better, and cooked more or less like we do now, from basic ingredients although the choice wasn't as wide then.

I understand prawn cocktail and Chicken Kiev is making a come back!
I was in the catering business back in the 70s, wish I had a menu or two from that period!!

Seem to remember a lot of Quiches, Steak Diane and crepe suzette, cooked on the garadon of course! Devilled lobster, crab and prawns. Lots of meat dishes with cream sauces.:):):):)

I'll shut up before I get too borin!
More like the 60s but still get what you mean. 70s was the decade of frozen and packet stuff, dried came before that sort of, if memory serves. My ma was the laziest cook out, so we had Smash, fish fingers, frozen peas, dried packet soup, etc. as well as the tinned stuff.
Thankfully my dad was much better, and cooked more or less like we do now, from basic ingredients although the choice wasn't as wide then.

I understand prawn cocktail and Chicken Kiev is making a come back!

Ooo, Angel Delight ...
... that my external control panel is now working. :)
Only the Rev counter to fit and wire in.

Dan You have done a fantastic job, but can I point out something. Going to anyway.

Please reposition your box so you are not going over the top of rotating equipment, and make the E-stop in a better place at the same time. Even your sleeves give me shudders.

Sorry call me old fashioned or scared.

Dan You have done a fantastic job, but can I point out something. Going to anyway.

Please reposition your box so you are not going over the top of rotating equipment, and make the E-stop in a better place at the same time. Even your sleeves give me shudders.

Sorry call me old fashioned or scared.

Ditto that, had some close calls myself and horror stories from old colleagues. The lathes I worked on had an emergency brake bar the length of the bed just in case. Maybe some kinda deadmans foot switch? You're going to be on your own after all..

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