Shared wiv me bro as a kid. Then had one or two Gfriends (not at the same time) who liked bathing together and we lay together at the non-tap end.
Then bought a special barf wiv W which has the power shower and the taps at one end which is kind of the top of a P. We shared that quite often and being a gent I always had the tap end but there was more room. Not much point in being uncomfortably romantic.;);););)
Smells are so evocative I cannot smell Pears clear ("transparent") soap wivout finking of the first female I used to regularly baff wiv.;)

Had a Gfriend once whose mum and dad had a barf together every night. A very posh and totally lovely couple. Seen pics of the mum at 21, phwoar!!!! What a stoater she had been. Still pretty hot when I knew her in her late 40s!;);):):)
Wright's coal tar soap has the same effect on me and the red carbolic 😭😭

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