Did ye always share n got the tap end 🤣 🤣
Shared wiv me bro as a kid. Then had one or two Gfriends (not at the same time) who liked bathing together and we lay together at the non-tap end.
Then bought a special barf wiv W which has the power shower and the taps at one end which is kind of the top of a P. We shared that quite often and being a gent I always had the tap end but there was more room. Not much point in being uncomfortably romantic.;);););)
Smells are so evocative I cannot smell Pears clear ("transparent") soap wivout finking of the first female I used to regularly baff wiv.;)

Had a Gfriend once whose mum and dad had a barf together every night. A very posh and totally lovely couple. Seen pics of the mum at 21, phwoar!!!! What a stoater she had been. Still pretty hot when I knew her in her late 40s!;);):):)
Shared wiv me bro as a kid. Then had one or two Gfriends (not at the same time) who liked bathing together and we lay together at the non-tap end.
Then bought a special barf wiv W which has the power shower and the taps at one end which is kind of the top of a P. We shared that quite often and being a gent I always had the tap end but there was more room. Not much point in being uncomfortably romantic.;);););)
Smells are so evocative I cannot smell Pears clear ("transparent") soap wivout finking of the first female I used to regularly baff wiv.;)
Take it they pulled the plug on you 🤣 🤣
My mum used to cook a whole chicken in one when we was kids. "Er indoors uses ours to make a stoo. Or a gallon of curry. They tend to seal in the flavours of the food, and are a very fast form of cooking. So fast that 'er indoors forgot to take it off the heat last weekend, and the bottom couple of inches of the inside got crudded up, no amount of aggressive kitchen chemicals could shift it. I cleaned it in 5 minutes - with me small angle grinder and a wire wheel. Brought it up like new. Not bad for a 45 year old p.cooker :cool:
Looks good but does it still work as well as look nice?:)

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