You know what they say when its hanging around more on the way View attachment 309113
All ours had gone. but its been wintery last couple of days. today there is "snow on them hills" but not here yet.
Trailer of wood is now lasting 4-5days before was 7-10 so its a sign its colder.
I booted the fire at 10am ish last few days cos it was chilly.

Afternoon folks :).

Last few days have been cold so somewhat hibernating.

M just got a message/phone call from a Bulgarian friend who needs to change her UK driving license to a Bulgarian 1:) Even the Bulgarians cant work out the system easily.
We have to wait a week then go and pick up our new ones, hopefully with all the correct groups:).

Ope you have all relaxed ready for next weeks work.

Eye tried salmon last year. First time. Picked up a tin then swopped for a microwave meal. Din't like it. A tin of it would have been worser. Lucky escape. This week eye bort meself some breaded fush. Fish n chips tonight. Fink its cod.
A nice bit of Salmon goes lovely with a salad. we usually have a few salmon steaks in the freezer.
We is on Duck breast with salad tonight.

Why you buying it in tins?

A nice bit of Salmon goes lovely with a salad. we usually have a few salmon steaks in the freezer.
We is on Duck breast with salad tonight.

Why you buying it in tins?

Bort a tin as eye din't want to buy a whole fish. Not keen on strong tasting fish. Hence the small tin. Like eye buy tuna in tins. Would have been a waste of a fish if eye bort one and din't like it. Microwave meal had salmon jnnit.
Eye tried salmon last year. First time. Picked up a tin then swopped for a microwave meal wiv salmon innit. Din't like it. A tin of it would have been worser. Lucky escape. This week eye bort meself some breaded fish. Fish n chips tonight. Fink its cod.
Smoked salmon, thinly sliced, with lemon juice and brown bread buttered.
Simply DELISH!!!
Bort a tin as eye din't want to buy a whole fish. Not keen on strong tasting fish. Hence the small tin. Like eye buy tuna in tins. Would have been a waste of a fish if eye bort one and din't like it. Microwave meal had salmon jnnit.
Loads of ways of getting packs of sliced smoked salmon.
All ours had gone. but its been wintery last couple of days. today there is "snow on them hills" but not here yet.
Trailer of wood is now lasting 4-5days before was 7-10 so its a sign its colder.
I booted the fire at 10am ish last few days cos it was chilly.

Same by us been lighting it at about 9 be for I go out so W don't get cold I'm convinced she has ice cubes for blood but is loverly by day but below freezing at night but have noticed the days are getting longer now so getting plenty of solar πŸŒžβ„

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