Today I was rootling around in the shed. It's full of gardeny type stuff so I never normally go there. I was looking for tools to help W tidy up the garden afore the new, possibly, gardener comes to see it tomoz. (Like cleaning up the house before the cleaner comes :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:)
But it is important we get someone for when we are away. Last year's bloke was good but has faded into the background since.:rolleyes::rolleyes: .
Anyway, found an electric hedge-trimmer that I forgot we had. How could I do that?

Then went into the garage and tried to get a lectric leaf hoover/blower working that hasnt worked for at least a decade, no luck, changed the fuse, triggered it, a kind of click from the motor then nowt. Haven't yet (CBA) bothered to take it apart to get to the bottom of it. I don't give much of a poop if it works or not and W don't really care neeva. But it would have made this afternoon's work a bit easier.

When I opened the shed a neighbours' cat ran out. This was lucky as this was the first time I had opened the shed for about 2 months. She got in through a plastic window that had got displaced, again, prolly in the storms. So I got a drill and put a coupla screws in to stop it happening again. Cooking fat!

So having worked for little more than an hour went inside, sat down and half an hour later could hardly stand up! I had been basically clearing stuff up of the ground and felt the top of my back hurting, which isn't normal for me, remarked on it to W and started working on one knee. But when it hurt on standing up after sitting down, it hurt in the normal place, at the bottom of the spine, where I hurt it back in 1973. And I had lifted nothing heavier than a trowel. Feels like I am back where I was in about June.

Not happy.:mad::mad::mad:
Eye has gone past 51,000 posts anorl.
That is worth a trophy. 'Ere ya go ---

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