Eye has been using up me sossij by cookering two at a time int microwave. Dun't have them often as they is high in fat compared to other foods. Eye will buy the betterer sossij next time to compare. Surprised me at how much fat comes oot of them. If that were a casserole it would be floating int casserole liquid. Eye cooked the sossij in a microwave meal dish. Yer gerra spoonful of fat from two sossif. Goes semi hard like lard when it cools down. Dun't want that floating in me blood. Tiped it into me fat collecting bottle.
That's what sausages are 50% fat wouldn't be sausages without it could always try vegetarian ones you can't beat toast and dripping
They will pay fousands to have the latest idea. Lets see how long it will be before we see one of these going frew a red light.

Snot a new eyedear, an no gears.
Eye has been using up me sossij by cookering two at a time int microwave. Dun't have them often as they is high in fat compared to other foods. Eye will buy the betterer sossij next time to compare. Surprised me at how much fat comes oot of them. If that were a casserole it would be floating int casserole liquid. Eye cooked the sossij in a microwave meal dish. Yer gerra spoonful of fat from two sossif. Goes semi hard like lard when it cools down. Dun't want that floating in me blood. Tiped it into me fat collecting bottle.
Depends on the Sossij. Commercial Walls/Richmond etc. are high fat/cereal filler and low meat. Our butchers Sossij is the other way round high meat, low fat, very little filler. It is a dichotomy, fats are satisfying but on a BBQ they catch fire and in the oven you end up with a lake of fat in the dish. I prefer the butchers one's myself.
That's what sausages are 50% fat wouldn't be sausages without it could always try vegetarian ones you can't beat toast and dripping
Packet ses 14.1% fat. 5.6 is saturates. Betterer sossij are lower. Not far oft what yer get in a pie which is about 16%. The fat in that is in the pastry eye finks. Tis a surprise to a little hippo to see a spoonful of fat come oot. Or at least a spoonful of somefink that sets like lard. All them years eye has been eating sossij casserole wiv liquid lard floating innit. Dun't want that inside me.
Hi, my name is Peter with a "Y". This is not my real name, but as a landyzone regular cocaine user. I would like give my account as a EV Evoque driver.
After several years of shaving myself of body hairs to wear my open bottom "Gimp Suit". I realise, when surrounded by reams of sticky computer printed bills, I had reach a low ebb in my life.

I would like to thank Kurt Johnson as a fellow "Gimper", who helped me from a trying period of my life.

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