Just been having a browse around a few weather stations to see what's been going on. The one nearest my place in Wales suggests it was windy, but not excessively so, with the strongest gust being around 16 m/s or about 35 m.p.h yesterday afternoon. Rain was pretty heavy though with over 70mm in 24 hours which is a lot for us, even in Wales. It must have been very localised, because another one a few miles away was only 30mm. Some of the wettest I've seen are in the west of Scotland. One at Girvan captured 162mm of rain in 24 hours, which is pretty high for the British Isles, even for the west of Scotland. Again, I'm not seeing a whole lot of very strong winds so the 90+ m.p.h. gusts must have been quite localised.
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Morning all!
took me three goes to input a one time 6 figure code from Tescobank to order some flipping cartridges for the laser printer.
Yet again it took me three times to understand why the form wasn't going through. So Tesco bank must have been wondering what was going on , and even they didn't manage to send me a code at least once.
Flipping tech!
W starting on the marmalade but I will be out shopping for stuff she hasn't got like lemons and yet more preserving sugar.
Have a good one folks!:):):)
Yes, my heart sinks when I try to buy something and as part of the payment process a message comes up that they're going to send a code to a mobile phone number. Quite often it doesn't arrive, or if it does so, it's long after the 10 or 20 minute window they give you to enter it has expired. This seems to be worse in rural areas.
Yes, my heart sinks when I try to buy something and as part of the payment process a message comes up that they're going to send a code to a mobile phone number. Quite often it doesn't arrive, or if it does so, it's long after the 10 or 20 minute window they give you to enter it has expired. This seems to be worse in rural areas.
Nothing like it more guaranteed to make me blow my top and W and dogs all leave the room until the storm has blown over. :mad:
Yes, my heart sinks when I try to buy something and as part of the payment process a message comes up that they're going to send a code to a mobile phone number. Quite often it doesn't arrive, or if it does so, it's long after the 10 or 20 minute window they give you to enter it has expired. This seems to be worse in rural areas.
My top-blowing situation is when I try to use my Debit Card to pay for an 'expensive item when I am away from home. Understandably, the Bank want to check that it is not a fraudulent transaction BUT the phone number on my account is my Landline because I DO NOT HAVE A MOBILE PHONE. All goes well until I try to buy when away from home 'cos they phone my home number to check but of course I am not there!! I do not have a mobile phone 'cos I do not have any reception and I refuse to buy for something I might need when trying to buy an expensive item when away from home - probably once in a blue moon.
If the Bank insist on a mobile phone number then it is up to them to give me one!! Or they must find another way of securing my identity.
Hey up, loads of damage about. House down the road with a tree squeeshed there two cars & the gas tank :eek::eek:

Big door blown out the guides on the boat shed, tis a right pain as its massive. :(
Calm-ish atm seams we are in for another round of it. :confused:

Hope everyone is well, catch up later. :):)
My top-blowing situation is when I try to use my Debit Card to pay for an 'expensive item when I am away from home. Understandably, the Bank want to check that it is not a fraudulent transaction BUT the phone number on my account is my Landline because I DO NOT HAVE A MOBILE PHONE. All goes well until I try to buy when away from home 'cos they phone my home number to check but of course I am not there!! I do not have a mobile phone 'cos I do not have any reception and I refuse to buy for something I might need when trying to buy an expensive item when away from home - probably once in a blue moon.
If the Bank insist on a mobile phone number then it is up to them to give me one!! Or they must find another way of securing my identity.
So sorry to hear about this, have often wondered what would happen in just that situation.
In France we often have to supply a FRENCH mobile phone number so we can be contacted by a driver of a delivery vehicle. I have in the past had a French mobile but I never use it and if you buy a pay-as-you-go card for it, you HAVE to keep using it or the number drops off, even if there is money on the SIM. If you let the money run out you are bugred and have to buy a new SIM. so in order to be able to get the delivery I give them an old number. ;)

HOWEVER, I would say that in your interests and to stay safe when travelling, it is still a good idea to get a cheap mobile phone, doesn't even need to have a camera on it, with something like a Tesco mobile phone card in it. It'll cost you peanuts and the money on the SIM will stay as it is. no need to keep topping it up. THEN you could take it with you purely when travelling and could use it if you break down, or have some other emergency, which is why both of us ever got our first mobile phones. TBH this is more or less all I carry mine for. At least my original Motorola. I leave it in the cubby box of the Disco.
Something like this.https://www.tescomobile.com/110-4g?color=blue&tariff=500mb&s_kwcid=AL!12341!3!!!!x!!&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwbitBhDIARIsABfFYIIEw8Yf5zgtJ-nGOHTE5Lti4nlvIL0e8eI_DQZUod7n2jb3mxSoeuUaAhxPEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Cheap and cheerful.

(My other mobile I only got because we had to have proof of Covid vaccination when we went over there and wanted to go to restaurants, outdoor jazz concerts etc. Sadly this now has to be used when abroad to sanction payments of highish value with my Halifax card. Also a bit handy when travelling and staying in hotels, or with friends, with Wi-Fi.)

I think everyone knows how much I hate mobile phones and I admire your stance and your bravery in going sans-mobile in your everyday life! :):):)
Recently had a phone call from the restaurant in Bath we always eat in. I had contacted them as we needed a piece of information in order to book a specific table, we had had an altercation with the manageress last time as we thought we had booked it that time, but no, bue in part to a third party another member of staff who wasn't there and had told us wrong.
So the big wig manager rang me to say he had talked to her and she admitted that she was very in the wrong and had behaved badly/spoken wrongly.
I hadn't gone into detail at all I just wanted to know what table number the table was that we always try to book, as it suits W better with her handicap as it is the only table where she can stow her crutch without it falling all over the floor and being a trip hazard.
To cut a long story short he agreed that we had behaved impeccably and offered us a free lunch for our next visit, which is next Saturday!
So..........unexpected result! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
So sorry to hear about this, have often wondered what would happen in just that situation.
In France we often have to supply a FRENCH mobile phone number so we can be contacted by a driver of a delivery vehicle. I have in the past had a French mobile but I never use it and if you buy a pay-as-you-go card for it, you HAVE to keep using it or the number drops off, even if there is money on the SIM. If you let the money run out you are bugred and have to buy a new SIM. so in order to be able to get the delivery I give them an old number. ;)

HOWEVER, I would say that in your interests and to stay safe when travelling, it is still a good idea to get a cheap mobile phone, doesn't even need to have a camera on it, with something like a Tesco mobile phone card in it. It'll cost you peanuts and the money on the SIM will stay as it is. no need to keep topping it up. THEN you could take it with you purely when travelling and could use it if you break down, or have some other emergency, which is why both of us ever got our first mobile phones. TBH this is more or less all I carry mine for. At least my original Motorola. I leave it in the cubby box of the Disco.
Something like this.https://www.tescomobile.com/110-4g?color=blue&tariff=500mb&s_kwcid=AL!12341!3!!!!x!!&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwbitBhDIARIsABfFYIIEw8Yf5zgtJ-nGOHTE5Lti4nlvIL0e8eI_DQZUod7n2jb3mxSoeuUaAhxPEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Cheap and cheerful.

(My other mobile I only got because we had to have proof of Covid vaccination when we went over there and wanted to go to restaurants, outdoor jazz concerts etc. Sadly this now has to be used when abroad to sanction payments of highish value with my Halifax card. Also a bit handy when travelling and staying in hotels, or with friends, with Wi-Fi.)

I think everyone knows how much I hate mobile phones and I admire your stance and your bravery in going sans-mobile in your everyday life! :):):)
We have just got a smart phone as now banks and transfers are all on app's before we had a small card reader and thay would send us a code number to pay for things fu::::::g load of sh::::::t so now we are going to pull moneys for the month out so we don't have all this carp
Recently had a phone call from the restaurant in Bath we always eat in. I had contacted them as we needed a piece of information in order to book a specific table, we had had an altercation with the manageress last time as we thought we had booked it that time, but no, bue in part to a third party another member of staff who wasn't there and had told us wrong.
So the big wig manager rang me to say he had talked to her and she admitted that she was very in the wrong and had behaved badly/spoken wrongly.
I hadn't gone into detail at all I just wanted to know what table number the table was that we always try to book, as it suits W better with her handicap as it is the only table where she can stow her crutch without it falling all over the floor and being a trip hazard.
To cut a long story short he agreed that we had behaved impeccably and offered us a free lunch for our next visit, which is next Saturday!
So..........unexpected result! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
South Coast Kev :p
With way things are going it seems increasingly there is a bit of tech discrimination with companies assuming everyone has the ability to operate tech or owns it which is massively arrogant of them.
Also what if people are not tech literate they should not be left out just becaus eits is easier for the companies or organisations.
With way things are going it seems increasingly there is a bit of tech discrimination with companies assuming everyone has the ability to operate tech or owns it which is massively arrogant of them.
Also what if people are not tech literate they should not be left out just becaus eits is easier for the companies or organisations.
I’m not sure this argument stacks up. It’s just evolution, and it’s more arrogant to suggest you can exist without evolving. Tin foil hat reasons aside, as pointed out a £10 pay as you go low tech mobile might save your life or someone else’s.
I’m not sure this argument stacks up. It’s just evolution, and it’s more arrogant to suggest you can exist without evolving. Tin foil hat reasons aside, as pointed out a £10 pay as you go low tech mobile might save your life or someone else’s.
Fair enough if you think it is arrogant however during cost of living you have to prioritise things you can afford in the sense of £20+ amount for internet connection to go online and apply for things can be £20 towards a food shop or heating bill.

I'm tired and possibly didn't state my case well.

Also on the fact of evolution there is the small percentage that will refuse to evolve too.

Was just stating things I have come across
With way things are going it seems increasingly there is a bit of tech discrimination with companies assuming everyone has the ability to operate tech or owns it which is massively arrogant of them.
Also what if people are not tech literate they should not be left out just becaus eits is easier for the companies or organisations.
I don't have a problem with the tech side what gets me is thay are trying to control the way you live your life

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