Well we got there early parked right outside on a disabled spot cos we can, waited and waited. eventually dottir showed up, her other half was having massive trouble trying to get the pay machine in the car park to work, about 10 minutes later he showed up having had to resort to taking a picture of the machine not working.
Dins was larvely and W managed to drive home , pulled out next to a police van whence a plod indicated to her to put her lights on, she got to anew set of red lights near another set where she would turn right, she indicated right until I pointed out that this was the new set of lights, so she carried on through the red light as I shouted at her to stop. She did and backed up about 5 feet!
Managed to get home with no further issues!
And she had only drunk tonic!
But we had a lovely meal.
Without having to walk 8 miles home!!!!
I note you drink shandy rather than taking taxis!!