I kept saying if he keeps trashing things I will cage him when we go out....oh no im not having that thats cruel, but its for his own
good & look what happened. He's a bin raider he'd go into the bathroom & put his paw on the peddle bin n open it then take
stuff out of it then the wee bitch would take it off him & eat it, not this first time ive pulled a face wipe out her ass. Yuk
Everything is removed & locked up now installed a vid cam with speaker in the living room so can watch the wee bugger when
we are out. :):)
Sadly the cage IS the way to go. He'll get used to it. The cam is no good if you see him doing stuff when you are out and about! ;)
Got back to find two Christmas cards had arrived.
One from my long deceased Dad's 95 yr old French friend. So lovely to hear from him.
And another from a mate in Dublin.
I sent him one last year and never heard back. Hadn't contacted him in 28 years as he had moved and I didn't have his address so found him at his work, a Uni where he lectures. (Well abit more than that, he's a very clever chap!) Grizzled a bit about him being too up himself to reply!
Feel bad now, as got a card, only a year late. Only a Mick, eh?!!!
And the eejit STILL didn't include his home address! And yes he remembered when he couldn't get his sump plug out without the help of a "shade tree mech" known as Stan!!
So nice things to happen.:):):)
I kept saying if he keeps trashing things I will cage him when we go out....oh no im not having that thats cruel, but its for his own
good & look what happened. He's a bin raider he'd go into the bathroom & put his paw on the peddle bin n open it then take
stuff out of it then the wee bitch would take it off him & eat it, not this first time ive pulled a face wipe out her ass. Yuk
Everything is removed & locked up now installed a vid cam with speaker in the living room so can watch the wee bugger when
we are out. :):)
The joys of having pets 😯😯

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