Din't have me tomatoes in sainsberrys. Had to get them small ones. Gottid meself some more pure orange juice. Stocked up on discounted cereal. 4 tins of tuna for 0.69 sovs. Was 2.69 but eye gotted two vouchers wiv me nectar card. Place were busy wiv peeps wondering round looking lost. Struggled to find a parking space eye liked. They ain't big enuff fer hippo's if the other cars are close to the line.

I find when I park my landy in the car parks there are 2 empty spaces either side when I come out 🤣
Plenty room for the wind to blow the door open & not hit the car next to it. :)
1000 quid vet bill today :confused: Took everything out the kitchen cupboards & put into plastic storage boxes & the stupid oldest dog
now 2 years old ransacked one of the boxes, destroyed the plastic box & munched an old tin of cat food no ring pull to be found.
Also got a bottle of miracle grow which had the top chewed & loosened looks like hes lapped up the liquid he was shaking an I thought oh no vet asap. Got a blanket & chucked it in the van floor up front. I went back in to get him & the stench omg he'd
been sick I nearly threw up myself. I had to clean it as I didnt want the other dog eating it.
Hed started to have bad seizures & all the way to the vets. gave him drugs to calm him down & soaked him with wet towels
& put his feet in water bowls as his temp was through the roof, after 15 mins the had to put him into an induced coma they
tried to bring him out after an hour but started to fit..... so back to sleep for almost 10 hours but they tried a few times to bring
him round. I called the vet & he did say we might have to make the decision to put him down. :(:(
He;s now back home as if nowt happened. :D:D
1000 quid vet bill today :confused: Took everything out the kitchen cupboards & put into plastic storage boxes & the stupid oldest dog
now 2 years old ransacked one of the boxes, destroyed the plastic box & munched an old tin of cat food no ring pull to be found.
Also got a bottle of miracle grow which had the top chewed & loosened looks like hes lapped up the liquid he was shaking an I thought oh no vet asap. Got a blanket & chucked it in the van floor up front. I went back in to get him & the stench omg he'd
been sick I nearly threw up myself. I had to clean it as I didnt want the other dog eating it.
Hed started to have bad seizures & all the way to the vets. gave him drugs to calm him down & soaked him with wet towels
& put his feet in water bowls as his temp was through the roof, after 15 mins the had to put him into an induced coma they
tried to bring him out after an hour but started to fit..... so back to sleep for almost 10 hours but they tried a few times to bring
him round. I called the vet & he did say we might have to make the decision to put him down. :(:(
He;s now back home as if nowt happened. :D:D
Sorry for the shock-horror of it all, but so very pleased he's back in the land of the living. :mexicanwave:
1000 quid vet bill today :confused: Took everything out the kitchen cupboards & put into plastic storage boxes & the stupid oldest dog
now 2 years old ransacked one of the boxes, destroyed the plastic box & munched an old tin of cat food no ring pull to be found.
Also got a bottle of miracle grow which had the top chewed & loosened looks like hes lapped up the liquid he was shaking an I thought oh no vet asap. Got a blanket & chucked it in the van floor up front. I went back in to get him & the stench omg he'd
been sick I nearly threw up myself. I had to clean it as I didnt want the other dog eating it.
Hed started to have bad seizures & all the way to the vets. gave him drugs to calm him down & soaked him with wet towels
& put his feet in water bowls as his temp was through the roof, after 15 mins the had to put him into an induced coma they
tried to bring him out after an hour but started to fit..... so back to sleep for almost 10 hours but they tried a few times to bring
him round. I called the vet & he did say we might have to make the decision to put him down. :(:(
He;s now back home as if nowt happened. :D:D
So glad he survived!!!
We had similar with a puppy who had grown faster than W thought so could get into plant pots.
She ate some slug pellets. I was in France and W was on the phone to me when she noticed it, she was staggering. cold wet towels, wet bath etc etc. all overnight at vet. Who then rang her the following day to get her to take her home as she was driving them mad!
Sounds like you got him just in time. You must have felt awful. Sympathies and happiness at the outcome.:):):)
So glad he survived!!!
We had similar with a puppy who had grown faster than W thought so could get into plant pots.
She ate some slug pellets. I was in France and W was on the phone to me when she noticed it, she was staggering. cold wet towels, wet bath etc etc. all overnight at vet. Who then rang her the following day to get her to take her home as she was driving them mad!
Sounds like you got him just in time. You must have felt awful. Sympathies and happiness at the outcome.:):):)

I kept saying if he keeps trashing things I will cage him when we go out....oh no im not having that thats cruel, but its for his own
good & look what happened. He's a bin raider he'd go into the bathroom & put his paw on the peddle bin n open it then take
stuff out of it then the wee bitch would take it off him & eat it, not this first time ive pulled a face wipe out her ass. Yuk
Everything is removed & locked up now installed a vid cam with speaker in the living room so can watch the wee bugger when
we are out. :):)

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