I've been out planting Alnus Incana this afternoon. The weather was certainly bracing - There was quite a respectable hailstorm that beat down on me so hard that my wellies filled with hailstones and remained cold and wet and squelchy for the rest of the afternoon. The wind was hard at work making roaring and booming noises - is this what's disturbing the dogs @derwendolly ? Anyway, I'm in the shed enjoying a well earned supper and cup of coffee now.

There seem to be plenty of Cornish pasties in supermarkets, @Stanleysteamer. Just not very many in restaurants and pasty shops in Cornwall. I've loaded up with savory pastries of various kinds to come out for my weekend's tree planting. Maybe the solution is to buy loads in Tesco before going to Cornwall. Coals to Newcastle and all that.
W just told me there is a good place in Ringwood that makes its own. Will have to try them.
As you say, Ginsters etc are all over the place! Just wanted to get a possibly more authentic one. Last time we were there I bought and ate two in quick succession in Falmouth. They were lush!
W was/is not well today.:(
Yessdi the lovely peeps who own the place we have been staying in said to us, like last time, "You don't need to rush off in the morning, you can even stay another night if you like." Got to love em.:):)
But we are expecting a delivery tomoz so we still had to get on. Fortunately yessdi arternoon she wasn't so bad, so she was able to do a lot of the packing, while I washed up about 3 days stuff. (Flip me, I will NEVER live without a dishwasher again!)
So this a.m. got up and she was so unwell she basically had to sit tight until I had finished the packing and then loaded everything into the Disco. Plus tidying the place up. However still got off at about 11 a.m.
Road back OK except for all the other plinkers on the road.
One tried to gently shove us off the road by moving from the fast lane into our position in the slow lane. No reason, he was doing much less than 70 so could easily have moved along past us and the van in front of us. As I remarked to W, the dash cam would have showed all that was necessary except for tha actual contact! A good blast on the horn warned him back off.
But the rest were just blocking the road going into and through Chideock, then Bridport, then around Dorchester and beyond.
But still got home around 3:30 p.m.
House was cold as we had had a 20 minute powercut at some time, and the control on the heating thought it was about 3 a.m!
Have a good evening folks!
Just reminded me I need a 9v battery you know the ones you got yer wee brother to put his tongue on 🤣 🤣

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