There was a lot in the media some years ago when the 'expenses scandal' happened. To be frank they don't get much different to what I get when going to site and staying away. We get hotels or bnb cost paid. Food anorl. If there's a long term job then renting a place is a lot cheaper. Especially if more than one of you. That comes with a different set of costs like leccy. Wear and tare is agreed but some rents will want you to replace if worn. Never done that as eye has never been away long term.

The bit peeps seem to get upset about is the 'second home' bit. It implies its their home. It is in a way. But peeps hate the idea of them owning it and the costs being paid by the tax man. Especially if they haven't taken it on especially because of their job need. Some have the property already so they're seen to be dumping their on costs on the tax man. I can see why that will annoy. Especially as they can claim for cost of some of the upkeep. They made the rules stricter but the thought of them being able to claim for a washing machine or ironing board annoys annoys peeps. If eye were doing the same job eye would be inuring the same costs so eye would claim for them anorl. It may seem harsh but it's how it is.
Tlme to change it then
Im still here so the 3 phase wiring worked 🤣 🤣

Wired up the 6 cylinder Perkins genny straight to the hiab crane which worked a treat, very happy that worked. :D:D
had about 6 lads all asking what we were doing my mate said Kev's trying to kill us all 🤣 🤣
When we got targeted by Ratty it was someone with an airgun that did the biz. Not on our property but because it had gone onto their's. It seems that one of the locals (all in farming 'ere) was demolishing some farm buildings so the residents, of which there were many, had to move on to pastures new. I had already bought a humane trap but had no success and I was told that even if I had got it I would have had to release it many, many miles away as they do have a very strong homeing instinct.
I thought you where expected to dispatch vermin
Only one job planned for today. Got to get an old sofa out of the house for disposal collection. Noo 3-piece was delivered last week, had to wait 4 months for it as it is bespoke. Framed in solid hardwood and ply (none of yer cheap chip board here), and upholstered with genuine made in the outer Hebrides Harris Tweed with leather trim. Don't know whether to sit on it or wear it :cool:

Oh how posh my mate just got his camper trimmed in Harris Tweed I was taking the pee out of his saying why did you
get them to use that itchy old blanket material (knowing fine well it was Harris) His face was a picture. 🤣

Go on then show us yer noo cooch :cool::cool:
Oh how posh my mate just got his camper trimmed in Harris Tweed I was taking the pee out of his saying why did you
get them to use that itchy old blanket material (knowing fine well it was Harris) His face was a picture. 🤣

Go on then show us yer noo cooch :cool::cool:
Me noo itchy blanket -----


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I remember when I was a lad, the council managed some pinewood plantations. My mate's dad worked for the council and was on tree watch leading up to krimbo. It didn't stop my kid bro cutting one down and dragging it home --- :p

A few years ago we were crimbo shopping got the misses to take a tree through the checkout id said id pay for it
but id forgot cause I was taking to someone & she walked out with it plus some decorations 🤣🤣

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