Spent quite a long while messing around with the ACE system on the Disco. The original fault code on my Foxwell seemed to imply it was the relay. I changed it for a noo one and drove off hoping it would reset.
It didn't.
So I got the Foxwell out, it came up with 4 faults :
0A06 Pressure signal out of range. ????
0E00 Direction control valve fault. :(:(:(
1006 main relay test failed :mad::mad::mad:
1001 Hydraulic pressure too low ????
Cleared the faults, it came back with the OAO6 and the 1006 ones.
Switched off, started it and ran it around a bit more.
Stopped, cleared the faults again and drove off, lo and behold the warning light went off.
Plugged it back in and went for "live data" (this to me is like going into the jungle with just a Swiss army knife)
I then took it out, plugged it into the pooter, all that did was enable it to power up, so I read the 9 "frames" off it, which told me very little except that there was some pressure on the last 2 or 3 frames.
There is plenty of fluid in the reservoir, I checked that before setting off. I haven't changed the ACE filter, it only needs doing every 72K miles and I haven't done that in it, though I doubt it got done by the garages the previous careful owners used.
So, all a bit weird. Just hope the warning light stays off and it was maybe a circuit that had a dodgy connection somewhere.
All four faults did come back. So it really is bonkers. How can the warning light go off if there is a fault?

Me no unnerstan!

Got the Christmas cards all writ last night, off to wrap W's presents, now while she is still out.
Have a good evening folks!
My ole 300 has none of that trickery, I jus checks the levels an drives it :)

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