Only one job planned for today. Got to get an old sofa out of the house for disposal collection. Noo 3-piece was delivered last week, had to wait 4 months for it as it is bespoke. Framed in solid hardwood and ply (none of yer cheap chip board here), and upholstered with genuine made in the outer Hebrides Harris Tweed with leather trim. Don't know whether to sit on it or wear it :cool:
Morning All. :D
An early start at 6AM because of Cat Bedlam. :(
One of the new cat's was yowling fit to bust.
Cat Pooh all over the runner in the hallway (Our Cat was too scared to get to her dirt tray?) :(
Went back to bed but could not sleep so got up. Got the paper already.
A shopping day. :(
Have a great day everyone. :D
Only one job planned for today. Got to get an old sofa out of the house for disposal collection. Noo 3-piece was delivered last week, had to wait 4 months for it as it is bespoke. Framed in solid hardwood and ply (none of yer cheap chip board here), and upholstered with genuine made in the outer Hebrides Harris Tweed with leather trim. Don't know whether to sit on it or wear it :cool:
I took the window out to do mine :)
Some of them are quite open to flat share. 2 or more mp's in said flat. Renting, buying or upkeep of a house, compared to a flat, in london, is serious money. Hence they go for flats unless they have family with them as they're there most the time. It would be impusdible to stay for a week in a hotel. Where would they leave their stuff, their papers, work doc's etc. Cleaning staff would be going into the room.
You said that it was well known that the public purse has to pay expenses for the upkeep of a London pad for MPs whose main residence is elsewhere.

What the article pointed out, and what incensed me, is that IF they BUY a place in Lunnen, they can choose which place to claim the expenses for. And I dug down to see if the article was correct.
It was.
That's all.

Nuffin to do with hotels or rentals, which is a side issue.

I read a long way through that paper and others linked to it. Hotels are only allowed for overnight stays near the H of C if they cannot leave before 10 p.m. Or if they have to go elsewhere other than their constituency for stuff like fact-finding visits, etc. The lack of security knocks long term hotel stays out of the park, quite apart from the expense. Anyway, they have offices in the H of C where their papers can be safely stored.
I never said anything about them staying in hotels for long periods of time, so I don't know where you got that from. All I did was agree that the cost had to be below prescribed levels. It in fact says that if they leave the H of C late and cannot find a suitably priced hotel, they have to prove this, which would be a right pain!
Difficult without a shotgun. You will have to stop feeding your menagerie for the coming weeks in the hope that he just moves on.
There are tough laws about using shotguns, even on your own property. For once being sensible here. Though I doubt @Hippo would dream of using one. One that comes to mind is that you cannot discharge one within either 50 feet or 50 yards (can't remember which) of a property boundary which would knock a lot of us out of it for a start!
I took the window out to do mine :)
When I rented my place in Poole out, I had to do that twice, not even for me, for tenants who stupidly had bought too big a sofa. My trusty ex s-i-l did it as a double-glazing unit had to come out. :eek: Wood framed! :eek:. He/we managed it but he said he couldn't guarantee it wouldn't break.
At the end, the tenants did a flit leaving most of their stuff in the place, it was like the Marie Celeste, clothes in the laundry basket, loads of kids toys, etc etc. It had been rented unfurnished. They owed 3 months rent and wouldn't come and clear the place. So we stripped it to sell stuff.
So good old ex s-i-l trotted up to do the same flipping job again. And again he managed to do it without breaking it.
We did manage to sell an amazing amount of their tat, but not for much dosh. The 3 piece suite did ok though!
When I rented my place in Poole out, I had to do that twice, not even for me, for tenants who stupidly had bought too big a sofa. My trusty ex s-i-l did it as a double-glazing unit had to come out. :eek: Wood framed! :eek:. He/we managed it but he said he couldn't guarantee it wouldn't break.
At the end, the tenants did a flit leaving most of their stuff in the place, it was like the Marie Celeste, clothes in the laundry basket, loads of kids toys, etc etc. It had been rented unfurnished. They owed 3 months rent and wouldn't come and clear the place. So we stripped it to sell stuff.
So good old ex s-i-l trotted up to do the same flipping job again. And again he managed to do it without breaking it.
We did manage to sell an amazing amount of their tat, but not for much dosh. The 3 piece suite did ok though!
I'm lucky, mine are plastic and it takes two minutes to flip the beading out and remove the glass :)
You said that it was well known that the public purse has to pay expenses for the upkeep of a London pad for MPs whose main residence is elsewhere.

What the article pointed out, and what incensed me, is that IF they BUY a place in Lunnen, they can choose which place to claim the expenses for. And I dug down to see if the article was correct.
It was.
That's all.

Nuffin to do with hotels or rentals, which is a side issue.

I read a long way through that paper and others linked to it. Hotels are only allowed for overnight stays near the H of C if they cannot leave before 10 p.m. Or if they have to go elsewhere other than their constituency for stuff like fact-finding visits, etc. The lack of security knocks long term hotel stays out of the park, quite apart from the expense. Anyway, they have offices in the H of C where their papers can be safely stored.
I never said anything about them staying in hotels for long periods of time, so I don't know where you got that from. All I did was agree that the cost had to be below prescribed levels. It in fact says that if they leave the H of C late and cannot find a suitably priced hotel, they have to prove this, which would be a right pain!
There was a lot in the media some years ago when the 'expenses scandal' happened. To be frank they don't get much different to what I get when going to site and staying away. We get hotels or bnb cost paid. Food anorl. If there's a long term job then renting a place is a lot cheaper. Especially if more than one of you. That comes with a different set of costs like leccy. Wear and tare is agreed but some rents will want you to replace if worn. Never done that as eye has never been away long term.

The bit peeps seem to get upset about is the 'second home' bit. It implies its their home. It is in a way. But peeps hate the idea of them owning it and the costs being paid by the tax man. Especially if they haven't taken it on especially because of their job need. Some have the property already so they're seen to be dumping their on costs on the tax man. I can see why that will annoy. Especially as they can claim for cost of some of the upkeep. They made the rules stricter but the thought of them being able to claim for a washing machine or ironing board annoys annoys peeps. If eye were doing the same job eye would be inuring the same costs so eye would claim for them anorl. It may seem harsh but it's how it is.

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