I may have a bit of cod with chips or even a tuna steak but that's my limit where sea food is concerned :D
Funny to think that Moules - frites is the poor man's grub. sold everywhere often near a station. (Railway variety in old parlance) so very similar to cod nd chips in the days when cod wasn't a flipping expensive delicacy.

A place we go to often serves them cheap with a choice of three varieties of sauce.
I too am not sold on fish, shellfish or sushi too often. Being raised a catlick we got it on Fridis but smoked fish especailly haddock is lovely.
Like a bit of whitebait, lemon sole, battered cod, and the occasional plateau de fruits de mer. But honestly maybe only once a year, if that.
Spent too long eating not fresh fish that tasted of little more than ammonia.
owz yer tabul cumin on?
Still in the planning stage. It will sit on a taybul 6x2.5 foot in size. Already borrowed from wuk. Wood top arf inch fick. Steel frame and legs. Quite strong. Me nooker taybul will be 8x4 foot. So eye is trying to wuk oot how to stop the 8x4 sheet from bending over the edges of the suppirt taybul.

First fing eye fort was to make a wood frame to go under it. Length round all the edges to screw the side cushions too. Strips across the middle. But not sure how strong that would need to be. Eye want it to last. Chops only sell soft wood. Fink it would be betterer in hard wood. Then eye fort of gerrin some square cross section lenf's of metal to go underneath to make a supporting frame. And thats as far as eye has got.

Eye has looked a wheels n rollers online to slide it. Looks like yer can buy whats needed. Nooker taybul will over hang the support taybul bt 1 foot at each end. It will slide a further 1 foot, making it 2 foot at each end over hang at max slided.

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