Yes and its always constant unlike the air temp, the deeper the ole higher the temps for conversion in the heat pump.

Air source to me is a bit of a con, as the air temps drop its harder to attain the claimed heat exchange "heat to rooms" I expect they do the calcs on average rather than coldest.
Guess what happens?
Peeps think a 5k system is "only the cost of a new gas boiler install" when really they need to spend 10k to have some in reserve ;) .

Just my thinking.

I am not a heating engineer but I have never lived in a cold house:).

You also need larger rads and a minimum pipe size of 15 mm a lot of house now have microbore so its not just the heat exchanger cost
Any system is only any good if its speced for the house its going in;).
One size does not fit all.

But yes, Insulate, Insulate :).

Remember a prog ont telly years ago where they built a house somewhere near Oxford, it had triple glazed windows even then and more insulation than you can imagine. The house needed no heating as the heat given off by the occupants was enough to keep it warm. and it was only a family of 4 or 5. It was green in all other ways and if all houses were built like that nowadays energy would be far less of a problem.
Our house has extremely thick insualtion below the floors, I think I have a pic of it going in, I'll put it up if I can find it. big blocks about 6" deep, or maybe more.
Finally found them.

A better one that makes the thickness more obvious, not as thick as I remembered them, but still pretty thick.
Went oot this morning & didnt go near the house but the misses came to find me around 3.30pm, time flys when yer having fun. 🤣

Moved some scaffold then was putting in dwang's for the floor up stairs got 6 left to do but the scaffold inside put a stop to
finishing it. Thank goodness for nail guns but my mate is scared of it so wouldnt use it. :confused:
Went oot this morning & didnt go near the house but the misses came to find me around 3.30pm, time flys when yer having fun. 🤣

Moved some scaffold then was putting in dwang's for the floor up stairs got 6 left to do but the scaffold inside put a stop to
finishing it. Thank goodness for nail guns but my mate is scared of it so wouldnt use it. :confused:
I've Got 1st and 2nd fix guns the good thing is Working by yourselve you can hold the wood and nail it but have had one through my finger and had to use a claw hammer to pull it out ☝☝
Found this and thought ,gray🤔.

I hold the view that you don't own land or the property which stands on it. You pay for the right to care for and look after it while you hold it. And hopefully pass it on to the next person to do the same. The land etc has been there for a long time before you arrive on the planet and will be there for a long time after you depart.
I've Got 1st and 2nd fix guns the good thing is Working by yourselve you can hold the wood and nail it but have had one through my finger and had to use a claw hammer to pull it out ☝☝

OOOfft I wouldnt like to try & pull out a 90mm ring shank they dont want to come out at the best of times :eek::eek::eek:
Seen an x ray of my mates hand when he shot a nail in through the top of his hand.
I've Got 1st and 2nd fix guns the good thing is Working by yourselve you can hold the wood and nail it but have had one through my finger and had to use a claw hammer to pull it out ☝☝
Used to know a lad who worked in a clothing factory (shirt makers for M&S), he did maintenance on the industrial sewing machines. He was often required to pull a needle out of a girlie machinist's fingers. Had a pair of pliers in his tool kit for the task.
I hold the view that you don't own land or the property which stands on it. You pay for the right to care for and look after it while you hold it. And hopefully pass it on to the next person to do the same. The land etc has been there for a long time before you arrive on the planet and will be there for a long time after you depart.
But do you have the right to make it better?

I.E drill a deep ole for a supply of heat to go with the green energy?

or garb like that:).

Trust me we have invested in it.


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