Christmas is here ffs :rolleyes:
Found this and thought ,gray🤔.


A district near to us, Belvedere, Kent, has the water table in most of it's area at a depth of four feet ...

So digging footings and such like is a bugger... most houses are built on a concrete 'raft' ...

When they were digging the foundation works for the Thamesmead Estate they were pile driving 24/7 for months ...

A district near to us, Belvedere, Kent, has the water table in most of it's area at a depth of four feet ...

So digging footings and such like is a bugger... most houses are built on a concrete 'raft' ...

When they were digging the foundation works for the Thamesmead Estate they were pile driving 24/7 for months ...

Ground Water is great for ground source, just saying :p

The Heat Pump CON

Electricity is 27p/Kwh. Gas is 6.7p/Kwh.
Even if heat pumps are 400% more efficient (which they aren't) then they are still about equal in cost.
4 x 6.7 = 26.8
So in my simple mind a an air-source heat pump that operates at 200-400% efficiency is never going to be better for me than my current boiler.
My daily Electric is 21Kwh, my daily gas is 63.8Kwh if I convert the gas Kwh into electric Kwh it will cost me more.
63.8 @ 6.8p is less than 63.8 @ 27/4 isn't it?

So why on earth would I change to air source heat pump?
The Heat Pump CON

Electricity is 27p/Kwh. Gas is 6.7p/Kwh.
Even if heat pumps are 400% more efficient (which they aren't) then they are still about equal in cost.
4 x 6.7 = 26.8
So in my simple mind a an air-source heat pump that operates at 200-400% efficiency is never going to be better for me than my current boiler.
My daily Electric is 21Kwh, my daily gas is 63.8Kwh if I convert the gas Kwh into electric Kwh it will cost me more.
63.8 @ 6.8p is less than 63.8 @ 27/4 isn't it?

So why on earth would I change to air source heat pump?
They're quoted as 3+3 so 600% efficient.

Part of the change to lectric heating via air or pipe underground is to make yer heating more efficient in energy use. It's not down to cost directly. In years to come we won't be allowed to burn fossil fuels. Or at least their use will be massively reduced across society so we work towards cleaning up the muck in the air. Where possible we have to work towards using greener fuel and use less ovvit. Like running a fasterer real Freelander wiv 4 cylinders than a big Freelander wiv 8.
They're quoted as 3+3 so 600% efficient.

Part of the change to lectric heating via air or pipe underground is to make yer heating more efficient in energy use. It's not down to cost directly. In years to come we won't be allowed to burn fossil fuels. Or at least their use will be massively reduced across society so we work towards cleaning up the muck in the air. Where possible we have to work towards using greener fuel and use less ovvit. Like running a fasterer real Freelander wiv 4 cylinders than a big Freelander wiv 8.
Nonsense. I don't care what they are quoted at.
I got a quote suggesting 200 -400% efficiency.
Let's assume a mid point 300%. It still does not pay.
A leaky home that cannot improve its heat-loss figures cannot win and is better off staying on gas at the cheaper Kwh price.
Nonsense. I don't care what they are quoted at.
I got a quote suggesting 200 -400% efficiency.
Let's assume a mid point 300%. It still does not pay.
A leaky home that cannot improve its heat-loss figures cannot win and is better off staying on gas at the cheaper Kwh price.
The more advanced newer systems available on the market can deliver 600% efficiency. This is because of how they compare burning fuel to creating it. Gas is burnt. Air source converts. It's the conversion that is efficient as yer shifting during conversion as opposed to burning. Problem is yer can't get more than 100% efficiency in normal logic. But in this case yer can, as a reference, as it's a comparison of conversion against generated, like burning.

In truth not all homes will be suitable. Air pumps don't have the 'oomph' as burning gas. So yer won't be able to put on the central heating and be warn in 30 minutes. Or certainly feel the heat coming oot the rads, which makes the room feel warm when the walls and furnishings are still cold. Instead air pumps are left on all the time. That way it can keep up the warmth. There is also a requirement to have a lot of insulation. Castle hippo will need more probably. Or a much biggerer system.

Like it or not we is going through a change. Yer gas pipe will stop supplying gas as part of this. Air pumps are also coming down in price as they increase production. In theory leccy costs will drop as our new nukes come online and more wind generation is connected up. Peeps who live in the sticks will still rely on oil heating unless enuff leccy is available to use for heat. One good fing about air fryers is peeps are burning less gas and using less lectric to cook food. Same wiv microwaves. Not used my oven for about 26 months. The drop in demand will free up for other uses.

I have to admit I like the idea of air pumps as eye can fix them. Gas is a sod if yer get a leak and me boiler needs a cuddle from a gasist every so often.
The worlds gone soft. Just put on thermal underwear, thick sox and an extra tee shirt. Who needs home heating ------ :p
Well said. Eye puts me old coat on if eye is cold. Sod turing the heating up. Up yours pootin.

Jokes aside... putting on another layer was somefink we had to do when eye were a nipper. Our house first had central heating about 92 if eye remembers correctly. Double glasing about 2000. We take it for granted nowadays but that has a knock on effect to energy demand. We now use more energy to heat our cassuls and strip oft more. Not everyone. Many peeps suffer wiv low income and high energy costs compared to years ago. We could be a lot further forward if we had started nuke builds earlier and agrued less over wind mills.

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