Banned? He seemed alright on this fred?
Yup. He has spect for da ippo. He will be spotted for the style of posting and ip address. Given time will over step the rules. Yer can have a normal serious conversation wiv him. Has popped back loads of times over the years like this. Can be quite entertaining and a laff. He's not gay but he's the 'is bob gay' one in polls. He's a top wind up merchant. Others will claim to be reeling him in or winding him up. Load of rubbish. He's well in control of the banter. Bob is a free spirit who can live wivoot lz and has many one liners and put downs. Lz has cleaned up over the last 10 years so daft jokes outside of AG will be frowned on. AG has become far too political over recent years so far less humour and fun like years ago. Bit direct wiv his words. Iffit's a rust bucket yer looking to repair he will tell yer the truth. If yer can't weld he'll point it oot. The wannabee top dogs on ere won't like him attracting all the attendtion. Bobs a real person who gets paid for farm work, helping oot and shooting. Lives a way of life many on ere dream of.
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Been chopping. M and S have a coat burrits gorra hud. They ain't gorra medium so eye haster go back. Looked around town. Not been fer years. Lots of chops changed. Tis a shame to see the old ones go like bhs and debernums. Replaced wiv coffy bars and fone chops. Also cheap chops wiv coats wivoot an inside pocket fer security.
Morning folks :)

well as expected;) 3-4inch and still light snow falling.

Think we will sit inside and be mesmerised by the flames in the fire:)

Morning All. :D
A quite sharp frost this morning. :(
Had a nice evening with friends at their shiny new eco-home. Massive place all marble floors and underfloor heating. :)
Home by midnight though and very little to drink because I was driving :)
Good to see them again.
Have a lovely day. :D
Did they give you any idea of what their actual monthly electricty /gas bill was so that you could compare it with your home? Might be interesting.
Did they give you any idea of what their actual monthly electricty /gas bill was so that you could compare it with your home? Might be interesting.
No, but It is all Solar panels and heat pump. They are still settling the system down. All rooms/areas have their own heating controls. Everything is obviously brand new and spiffingly top quality. They are still "snagging" the house in many areas but it is a huge house with a huge garden and their Staffy is in 7th heaven.
Poop, this is annoying me now as I can't remember what it is called, sure ain't the Toccata and Fugue.

My old man used to play it on the church organ , foot pedals and all. I can play the beginning of it, which ain't that hard.

No, I meant the tune he was text humming could be the Toccata & Fugue (but he says no).
The other tune I linked is Pachabel canon in d minor I think.
Morning All. :D
Late on parade for family reasons. :(
3 house guests today, and tonight apparently.
Went for beer & a chat :vb-drinky: last night with the lad; shocking revelations.
In the 12 years together she has pushed him into Β£26k of debt.
Β£10k owed to me I knew about, but also Β£16k to a finance Co. that I knew nothing about.
He was drowning in debt and deeply distressed and ashamed about it.
Good you had the chat. :)
Bad about the debt. :eek:
Such a shame. :(:(:(
Did they give you any idea of what their actual monthly electricty /gas bill was so that you could compare it with your home? Might be interesting.
Our middle dottir and husband have just gone back, they installed solar electric panels last year, they are now not paying for electric as they sell as much as they pay. Maybe this mush has huge ones too! ;)
Gorra link? Not sure what bit peeps took ofence of.
I didn't trawl through all parts of the forum to see what he had been saying, just came across him on a few threads.
To begin with I said to myself, "This is a bit strong for a Newbie" then realisedhe is a rejoiner, especially after he told Gratch to stuff it. Who had sussed him. So I don't know exactly which post got him banned but, as you say, with PC going on, it was only going to be a matter of time!!;)🀣
do you take um?
W has just been advised that maybe she should, result of blood test ordered by her new practice.
My doc told me I ought to think about them a few years back now. Chloresterol levels apparently a bit high.
I have yet to take any.
wot do you guys and gals think?
Statins are )IMHO) a big pharma driven con. Do some research on PubMed. Look up Number Needed to Harm.
Overall one important study found that 10 years on statins (with all the attendant side-effect risks) extended the patients lifespan by on average 2 weeks. Worth it? I don't think so. But that's just me.
75mcg daily aspirin: Makes the blood less sticky. Hmmmm..... Common side effect is tinnitius.
I got Tinnitus in the 1st year of Aspirin. Went to Drs. "Ahhh yes that's the aspirin". If I stop will it go away?
"No, we don't know why but it triggers Tinnitus and you are stuck with it, but on balance better to have non-sticky blood and ringing ears to keep you awake at night". Really? YMMV of course, but I wish I had told them to shove their "medicines protocol" where the Sun doesn't shine. :mad: 😒
Statins are )IMHO) a big pharma driven con. Do some research on PubMed. Look up Number Needed to Harm.
Overall one important study found that 10 years on statins (with all the attendant side-effect risks) extended the patients lifespan by on average 2 weeks. Worth it? I don't think so. But that's just me.
75mcg daily aspirin: Makes the blood less sticky. Hmmmm..... Common side effect is tinnitius.
I got Tinnitus in the 1st year of Aspirin. Went to Drs. "Ahhh yes that's the aspirin". If I stop will it go away?
"No, we don't know why but it triggers Tinnitus and you are stuck with it, but on balance better to have non-sticky blood and ringing ears to keep you awake at night". Really? YMMV of course, but I wish I had told them to shove their "medicines protocol" where the Sun doesn't shine. :mad: 😒
This tends to reinforce what I found when it was suggested I take them a few years back.
I already have tinnitus. I did for a while take the (what used to be called "baby") aspirin after I had a heart "flutter" don't anymore. Anyway, W will do her own research, but as she already takes so many pills I doubt she'll go fo it.
We also heard that docs prescribe them because quite simply they get a certain amount of money for each one prescribed, if that makes sense.
Who knows? I think I'll stay off them.

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