Morning All. :D
Late on parade for family reasons. :(
3 house guests today, and tonight apparently.
Went for beer & a chat :vb-drinky: last night with the lad; shocking revelations.
In the 12 years together she has pushed him into £26k of debt.
£10k owed to me I knew about, but also £16k to a finance Co. that I knew nothing about.
He was drowning in debt and deeply distressed and ashamed about it.
Morning All. :D
Late on parade for family reasons. :(
3 house guests today, and tonight apparently.
Went for beer & a chat :vb-drinky: last night with the lad; shocking revelations.
In the 12 years together she has pushed him into £26k of debt.
£10k owed to me I knew about, but also £16k to a finance Co. that I knew nothing about.
He was drowning in debt and deeply distressed and ashamed about it.
That's good he's opened up.
Morning All. :D
Late on parade for family reasons. :(
3 house guests today, and tonight apparently.
Went for beer & a chat :vb-drinky: last night with the lad; shocking revelations.
In the 12 years together she has pushed him into £26k of debt.
£10k owed to me I knew about, but also £16k to a finance Co. that I knew nothing about.
He was drowning in debt and deeply distressed and ashamed about it.
Find oot if the debt is in his name or shared responsibility.

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