Sounds to me like the pressurising generates the most heat
Cant understand how you can extract heat from frozen or wet soggy ground, if that were the case then the house would be warmed from heat rising from the ground
Is there enough heat in the ground to warm a block of flats and streets of terraced houses?
Tis trickery me thinks ;)
The first line yes.
The biggerer the building the biggerer the system needed. Lots of peeps have bort HSP and been dissapointed. Yer have to learn to use it differently to gas heating. Also the system needs to be spec'd to yer castle. Leaky windows ain't going to help. Leaving the door arf open in winter ferra dog won't help. Same fer living on the coast or scottishland. It won't work for all.
Not all roofs can take the weight
True. All modern buildings (certainly in the last 50 / 60 years) of the steel frame type (like yer average wix shed) are designed with big factors of safety. No problem adding a relatively small additional weight per square metre. (subject to a structural assessment of course).

additional - and it would give a business genuine green credentials, instead of green washing crap.
trick or treating which is practically begging.
... or as they say in the US
"What's it to be, candy or your front window?!"
more like blackmail.

I used to get up to all sorts of tricks with the kids. No more! Mums and dads are so frit, they accompany them!

My favourite was to give them sweets and tell them not to eat them but to give them to their mates, "Cos they taste of onions ! It's a good laugh!"

Of course they tasted fine.;) 🤣
Halloween's origins can be traced back to the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain, which was held on November 1 in contemporary calendars. It was believed that on that day, the souls of the dead returned to their homes, so people dressed in costumes and lit bonfires to ward off spirits. It's also marks the end of the harvest season being the halfway point between the equinox and solstice and entering the dark part of the year.

Now it's been Americanised with trick or treating which is practically begging.
They work by soaking up heat from ootside and compressing a liquid which is used to transfer and release the heat. Bit like yer fridge. Yer can use rads or have air pumped in the house, to get heat. Considered 300% efficient as yer only powering the pump to convert pressure as oppised to burning somefink which will always be less than 100% efficient.

There are downsides. Old homes dunt have enuff insulation like new ones so they lose more heat. So yer haft to put in a biggerer heat pump. Sometimes more rads anorl. Heat pumps dunt have a lot of power so yer tend to leave the heating on to reduce temp rise and dalls that carch it oot. Yer cam more easily service HP systems compared to gas. Few peeps gave their own gas meter to detect poor gas burn.
They are quite popular in Frogland. There the govt gives massive support both to insulate and to buy and fit heat pumps.
They work a lot better there and you can make do with smaller ones cos, at least south of the Loire, the weather is warmer much more of the year.

And the process can be reversed making them into Air con units. :)

We considered them but at 600 metres up and only there April to Sep/Oct it wouldn't have been worth it.
Yer take the heat oot of air or the ground and put it into a sealed transfer system, using electric to pressurise sealed air in order to transfer said heat. Tis the same way a fridge or air con works. Only difference is yer want to circulate the heat round yer castle. Air con pressurises and lets go of pressure, to transfer heat, in a fixed system.

Its the pressurising of the sealed air that transfers the heat, into hotterer heat, thats hot enuff for you to feel warm, is the magic trick. Yer not generating the heat yerself like when yer burning somefink. HSP works by transfering heat. Yer only pay the cost of transfer. Hence why its considered so efficient when compared to burning gas.
If everyone takes the heat from the air and ground we will need more heating due to a man made ice age so we will go back to the start and burn stuff a no win scenario

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