Van stood for a few weeks and the alarm went off for no reason.
Did this a few times over a couple of days
Then the central locking would lock then unlock, door open light on dash
No door open
Checked pins on slider and all ok
Other doors dont have a courtesy light switch but interior lights come on when opened
Magic :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Faulty actuator or wiring to the door, seen them break were the loom goes from the A pillar into the door.
Have you got 2 battery's under the drivers seat, the rear one is used for starting the other one is for everything else
including the keys/remote open close. If its faulty it can cause all sorts probs.
Faulty actuator or wiring to the door, seen them break were the loom goes from the A pillar into the door.
Have you got 2 battery's under the drivers seat, the rear one is used for starting the other one is for everything else
including the keys/remote open close. If its faulty it can cause all sorts probs.
Just the one battery and I renewed this week, problem started about a month ago
Afternoon folks :) .

I have been MIA here for a while as I have not felt in the mood for chit chat.
3 Mondays ago I had a great day out in the garden doing stuff. Tuesday I got up and could only hobble about like a 100yr old:mad:.
So its that dreaded sciatic nerve, I have been popping ibupe like smarties. But the last couple of days have been good and I hope to be up and running (well not actually running) but at least be able to get on with the work needed before the weather turns bad.
Still mostly sunny, still no rain, still no water:oops:


Thats awful I hope you recover soon. 👍
Gude evenin volks, vings bin ectic doan yer in Debn zo us boys bin nose to grindstone. SWMBO av gun orf ferra week zo us be takin advantage uv lighting wudeburner an openin a particularly satisfying bottle of Côtes du Rhône Hermitage, 2017. Dugs be zettled on SWMBO’s zofa zo orl be up tu scratch. Opin us frens be well and appy!

Enjoy matey 👍 I could do with a week off to catch up with stuff, wouldnt be a relaxing week tbh.
Need to check the side & rear door wiring & contacts, you got a towbar fitted. Check the rear earths by removing the rear lights.
Also has the keys got good battery's. Its opening as the system thinks one of the doors are open.
Side door ok as far as I can see
Will take panel off rear offside door and check
Towbar all good (I did it :) )
Doors lock and then horn and unlock themselves even using door lock,
Fault developed whilst van standing for a month or two
Side door ok as far as I can see
Will take panel off rear offside door and check
Towbar all good (I did it :) )
Doors lock and then horn and unlock themselves even using door lock,
Fault developed whilst van standing for a month or two

Hope its just a bad connection, mines does this sometimes but its open most of the time & it seams to sort its self out.
My drivers door lock is a tad notchy probably worn ive had new keys made too & the original key is well worn.
What is it...............


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