Wayy Hayy!
My email to the Community Speed Watch peeps resulted in them removing me from their database!
And a very friendly response. goodwill gesture and all that. I think they realised I was an unfortunate!

And no, all that would happen to peeps who consistently speeded would be a uniformed plod coming round to have a quiet word.
Round ere they take it further if yer keep gerrin caught.
I think it was no coincidence merely an excuse.
I understand he who introduced this is convinced he has got it right 'cos he listened to the few' and he doesn't even drive!!!
Stat's show significant chance of predestrians surviving at 20 as opposed to 30. Assume it would be that. I do 20 past schools where they have flashing yellow fings pointing oot 30 becomes 20 during school times. Peeps behind dun't like that.
Sounds like community speed watch. There's a number of initiatives. Police are involved. They let them use a camera in an agreed location at certain times. Often there will be an officer with them. Its all part of the active community policing fing. Yer wasting yer time having a pop at them. It could get yer into trouble. The normal outcome is a warning oft the police for driving ootside of the law. It comes from them because they have the power to use/access yer cars details to notify the registered keeper. Keep gerrin caught on the same o'fence or mixture of o'fences and the police can send yer a NIP notice of intended prosecution for an o'fence.

From what yer ses yer turned onto a road and drove along it. Said road was 40 but when you entered it and drove along it there were no 40 signs. If lamp posts are present and its residentual then it defaults to 30, regardless of what it is if yer had driven its whole length. If no sign indication saying more than 30 then they gottid yer and theres nowt yer can do about it. Eye would suspect many would get caught oot in a simular situation. Yer bin warned and ain't gorra NIP so just accept it as a warning and move on.

They let yer oft wiv a warning. Old duffer in a rusty disco...
Actooly, I turned out of a 30 onto a 30 then entered a zone that used to be a 40 but now continues as a 30.
There was no plod with them.
So I didn't notice that there no longer was a 40 speed limit panel. Possibly, and only possibly, cos a/ why would I look? It's been a 40 for 35 years or more and b/ I was looking at the lights and the roadworks on that same junction, cos the limit used to change on the junction.

Anyway I got a very nice email from the burd, telling me that under the circs she is wiping me off their data base, we had been out of the country when it all happened and the warning signs had been taken away.

She also admitted that even if I had been caught 3 times by them all they could do was tell the plods who would send a uniformed hofficer round to have a quiet word with me.

It is CSW, I didn't have a pop at them I calmly expalined the circs, it wasn't a waste of time, as you can see, and according to them the plods would/could not send me a NIP ot a tot or anything else! They didn't let me off, they didn't have the power to do anything else, and that 3 times over apparently, or at least twice if three times = visit from plod.

And I have known for years that street lighting = 30 unless there are repeaters of another limit. This grandfather doesn't need teaching how to suck eggs!

As I said it flipped me off that I got caught out cos normally I drive under all limits.
Pretty sure it's on the guidelines they can't change a limit over a short distance. Is it a real limit change or have they made it up?
You have to be trained to use a calibrated speed gun. Limit signs went up near me before the limit was legally changed!! Yet the police were enforcing it. How do they have access to dlva database!?🤯
I think they make a list of times, date, place, reg number and possibly speed driven through and send it to Dorset Police who have the authority to find out your name and address and then send you a letter. With Data protection I doubt any beggar in the group has access to all that. In my case it did seem to be just one person fielding enquiries as she answered my email (her contact details were on the DP letter) and she decided to wipe me off the database. So I still have a clean sheet with them.

I have no idea how short a distance it is but they have extended 30s into 40s all around our ville.
I did ask about the whether Traffic police lent them the gun and whether it was calibrated properly but she didn't asnwer that question.

It is a bit murky. They do invite you, on their leaflet to join them! I'd have to do that to find out all the answers to your and my questions!
Don't think I'll bovva!!!
As residents of our 12 properties hamlet we requested about 4/5 years ago that a 30 limit be put on our stretch of the narrow country road as it was now being used as a short cut between one A road and another and part of our road was the only straight stretch for the full six mile length. They agreed and we waited and waited and waited but nothing came .................. until suddenly, about a month ago, it turned into a 20 limit! Then I discovered, by 'accident', that they had changed the road classification from unclassified to a 'C' classified one with absolutely no notification whatsoever. Has this made the road safer? - absolutely not. For some reason drivers seem to be reading 20 as 200!!!!!! If the cops are looking for a good way of raising funds for their Christmas Celebratory Bash then get a gun on this road!
I would estimate that only one out of every 500 hundred vehicles ( over about 7 days) is reducing the speed to anything like 20/25 mph. and most are doing in excess of 40 with some doing in excess of 60/70. I assume that this is the way drivers are 'making up time' between the 'A' roads which were made into 50 limits a few years ago.

A 20 limit is NOT a good idea, especially if it is not being monitored, but a 30 just might be more successful as most drivers would see it as a more suitable speed for the type of road. One can but hope!
Totally agree!
I think a thirty then leading into a 20 would be better, or a 40 leading into a 30, which is what we have a lot of round here as we too have lots of straightish narrow country lanes and that is what they do, often with a speed camera shortly after the
beginning of the 30.
You could always find (and joinmaybe) your local CSW bunch, if they have them in Wales, then maybe you could persuade them to do what goes on round 'ere.
Drove to Bath and back last night.
Play was OK.
"The Score" about JS Bach, his son, a big bet, the invasion of Silesia, (massive overtones of the situations in Ukraine and Israel/Gaza), and Frederick the Great.
Very interesting, enough to make me Google Frederick the Great and look up JSB in a book or two I inherited from my dad. (I'll do this layter!)

Didn't experience rain or flooding but guess we were lucky.
The more beaver I have the better. 🤣
Did I tell you my uni had an exchange thing with a Merkin uni, Georgetown or summat? They called it "the beaver exchange" and there was a lot of wimmins on it! At the time us Brits didn't use the word "beaver" in that context so much, but the Merkins did!
So we learned its use from them! Laughs and red faces!
Think the person who set it up had a sense of yuma!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣

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