Actooly, I turned out of a 30 onto a 30 then entered a zone that used to be a 40 but now continues as a 30.
There was no plod with them.
So I didn't notice that there no longer was a 40 speed limit panel. Possibly, and only possibly, cos a/ why would I look? It's been a 40 for 35 years or more and b/ I was looking at the lights and the roadworks on that same junction, cos the limit used to change on the junction.

Anyway I got a very nice email from the burd, telling me that under the circs she is wiping me off their data base, we had been out of the country when it all happened and the warning signs had been taken away.

She also admitted that even if I had been caught 3 times by them all they could do was tell the plods who would send a uniformed hofficer round to have a quiet word with me.

It is CSW, I didn't have a pop at them I calmly expalined the circs, it wasn't a waste of time, as you can see, and according to them the plods would/could not send me a NIP ot a tot or anything else! They didn't let me off, they didn't have the power to do anything else, and that 3 times over apparently, or at least twice if three times = visit from plod.

And I have known for years that street lighting = 30 unless there are repeaters of another limit. This grandfather doesn't need teaching how to suck eggs!

As I said it flipped me off that I got caught out cos normally I drive under all limits.
That's interesting to hear. I contacted the police a few years ago to see if they would put an unmarked camera car on our road. When working out the front in the evening yer get the ocasional speeder. Can be as high as 60 in a 30. Seems to be the same cars cutting through. Result was a no. Rules around entrapment of speeders. They tried to push me down the route of community speed watch. Seen some of them round ere on other roads over the years. They assured me action would be taken on repeated o'fences via nip. Seems like its police involved but council run, in a way. That wouldn't solve our problem which seems to have died down now. I wonder if different forces do commmunity speed watch in different ways.
That's interesting to hear. I contacted the police a few years ago to see if they would put an unmarked camera car on our road. When working out the front in the evening yer get the ocasional speeder. Can be as high as 60 in a 30. Seems to be the same cars cutting through. Result was a no. Rules around entrapment of speeders. They tried to push me down the route of community speed watch. Seen some of them round ere on other roads over the years. They assured me action would be taken on repeated o'fences via nip. Seems like its police involved but council run, in a way. That wouldn't solve our problem which seems to have died down now. I wonder if different forces do commmunity speed watch in different ways.

There's a chap who made a look-a-like camera from wood and stuff, put it up on a pole, painted it yellow when the rule changed and it stops speeders near his daughters school ...

Feeding me squirrel all week. Only 1 day when nuts were still there when eye came back from wuk. Lorra rain that day. Eye fink it may be gerrin biggerer. Could be a female. Yer can't tell unless it hassa dangle. Today eye was int dining doom drawing somefink and had the curtains open so we could see each other when he came for nuts. Few times eye stood by the closed patio door. Although nervous he still came ferra nut. Keeping close to walls for cover wiv tail flicking about in the air. Pausing to look at me. On later ocasions eye squatted down to gerra betterer look. Eye can't believe eye be 15 inches away from a squirrel. He knows there's a window between us but months ago if eye opened the door and he were at the bottom of me garden, 80 foot away, he'd run oft up a tree and oot me garden. Now eye knows its because of the hazel nuts tempting him but eye still feel special.

Later on there was a second thinner squirrel come into me garden but it went to a different location. Looked at me castle and paused. Then run oft.
I had a Cornish pasty, packet of krisps and a bar of chock for brunch. And this evening I knocked up a chorizo pasta with pesto. Hardest part was boiling the water. I HATE cooking - anything. Not my thing at all.
That's such a shame.
I always think that those who love eating learn to love cooking.
But it sure as heck helps to get some decent help learning how to do it.

I got help from my dad then went on to learn lots in a hotel. But I loved it anyway.

I was once in a resort in Turkey with a load of people we had been on a package holiday with, week on a gulet and a week in a hotel. There was a massive delay so the rep took us to a beach resort, we'd hung onto our cossies expecting this!

But me and a fireman from Glasgow airport spent a lot of time in the bookshop looking at cookery books!

It takes allsorts!!

Did you make your own pesto? You don't sound too shabby a cook at all. I'd eat that dinner!;););):):):)
I like cooking, hate cooking for one
For most of our life before W retired we lived apart most weeks so only got together at weekends. So I had to grow to like it. Managed it in the end cos it meant I could try out the maddest things. And if I really got a good one I make it for both of us at the weekend.

Chicken in Ricard and cream?
Chicken in Gin?

You cannot know until you have tried them. And of course other ingredients are involved! 🤣 🤣 🤣
That's interesting to hear. I contacted the police a few years ago to see if they would put an unmarked camera car on our road. When working out the front in the evening yer get the ocasional speeder. Can be as high as 60 in a 30. Seems to be the same cars cutting through. Result was a no. Rules around entrapment of speeders. They tried to push me down the route of community speed watch. Seen some of them round ere on other roads over the years. They assured me action would be taken on repeated o'fences via nip. Seems like its police involved but council run, in a way. That wouldn't solve our problem which seems to have died down now. I wonder if different forces do commmunity speed watch in different ways.
It is interesting how different places do stuff differently. I have heard of groups of villagers getting together more or less like neighbourhood watch, buying an amateur speed camera, then doing the biz and using their findings to present a case to the local council.
Maybe if enough people can get their feelings listened to by one or more councillors then the police can be almost by-passed. I have no idea how these things work.
As for "entrapment" sounds like a snow job to me. The unmarked small white vans that we see from time to time are similar if not the same as what you describe.
I had a Cornish pasty, packet of krisps and a bar of chock for brunch. And this evening I knocked up a chorizo pasta with pesto. Hardest part was boiling the water. I HATE cooking - anything. Not my thing at all.
When my Mrs is away I only eat cold stuff. I used to cook but now I detest it. As they don't deliver out here, I just eat whatever is in the fridge :)
There's a chap who made a look-a-like camera from wood and stuff, put it up on a pole, painted it yellow when the rule changed and it stops speeders near his daughters school ...

Until someone crashes because of it, then he gets sued and the speeder wins 💰
It is interesting how different places do stuff differently. I have heard of groups of villagers getting together more or less like neighbourhood watch, buying an amateur speed camera, then doing the biz and using their findings to present a case to the local council.
Maybe if enough people can get their feelings listened to by one or more councillors then the police can be almost by-passed. I have no idea how these things work.
As for "entrapment" sounds like a snow job to me. The unmarked small white vans that we see from time to time are similar if not the same as what you describe.
The roadside vans have strict rules. Fink they only operate for a max duration at a time. Location picked from known hotspots or where incidents numbers are high. Entrapment is also a problem for drug growing locations. Police not allowed to use thermal imaging helicopter camera to locate them. Seems a bit daft.
The roadside vans have strict rules. Fink they only operate for a max duration at a time. Location picked from known hotspots or where incidents numbers are high. Entrapment is also a problem for drug growing locations. Police not allowed to use thermal imaging helicopter camera to locate them. Seems a bit daft.
I agree it does seem a bit daft.
What the heck is wrong with catching crims? At the end of the day if they are doing wrong and they get caught, so what?
I finally caved and bought a compresssor.
A very useful tool. I bought mine about 20 years ago when the family fleet went up to four cars = 20 tyres to keep topped up, and a couple of motorbikes in the garage. Use it with a professional type tyre inflator. Saves a lot of grief on the knees. Very handy for all sorts of jobs in the garage, with suitable attachments.

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