We nearly bought the village shop anorl.
We survived but a lot of people are flooded. The shop seemed to survive but on the other side of the beck they are all flooded. Over the road are still pumping out their houses. We are on a higher bit of ground so not affected. I really feel for the others, the water contained sewerage too as the drains were overwhelmed.
Wayy Hayy!
My email to the Community Speed Watch peeps resulted in them removing me from their database!
And a very friendly response. goodwill gesture and all that. I think they realised I was an unfortunate!

And no, all that would happen to peeps who consistently speeded would be a uniformed plod coming round to have a quiet word.
As residents of our 12 properties hamlet we requested about 4/5 years ago that a 30 limit be put on our stretch of the narrow country road as it was now being used as a short cut between one A road and another and part of our road was the only straight stretch for the full six mile length. They agreed and we waited and waited and waited but nothing came .................. until suddenly, about a month ago, it turned into a 20 limit! Then I discovered, by 'accident', that they had changed the road classification from unclassified to a 'C' classified one with absolutely no notification whatsoever. Has this made the road safer? - absolutely not. For some reason drivers seem to be reading 20 as 200!!!!!! If the cops are looking for a good way of raising funds for their Christmas Celebratory Bash then get a gun on this road!
I would estimate that only one out of every 500 hundred vehicles ( over about 7 days) is reducing the speed to anything like 20/25 mph. and most are doing in excess of 40 with some doing in excess of 60/70. I assume that this is the way drivers are 'making up time' between the 'A' roads which were made into 50 limits a few years ago.

A 20 limit is NOT a good idea, especially if it is not being monitored, but a 30 just might be more successful as most drivers would see it as a more suitable speed for the type of road. One can but hope!
Was the limit changed to 20 as part of the wales fing on 20 limits on all residential stretches of roads?
... that I have my MOT pass on "Thumper" the AAA. :D
Yes it's bigger by 3mm, but not at the trigger point for intervention.
The only fly in the ointment is that one of the Iliac branches (LHS) has decided to get in on the act and has expanded as well.
It has been "noted" on my file and they will track that one too.

So allegedly no cause for alarm...yet! I am happy to say. :D
I'm very happy for you that it isn't yet critical but sad for you that it is continuing to get worse and now on two fronts. :(:(:(
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Our village is under water! The main road is blocked as the stream has burst its banks. The Mrs is out taking coffee to the troops.
We are slightly higher than the neighbours but if the rain doesn't stop, we will be joining the throng of insurance claims :(
Whata poop! :confused: :confused: :confused:
Any mileage in getting valuables, radio stuff etc into the loft?
Crossed fingers it doesn't get into your place.🫰🫰🫰
We got soaked today oot in the rib boat.....marble man requested that I drive the boat as ive got the most experience.
He wanted 3 people in the boat, 1 to drive & 1 to hold onto the yacht & 1 to tie the rope on.
I said we dont need 3 have you got your pink pants on today. 🤣🤣
Had to put a safety rope on floating caravan so it didnt end up on the beach.
Got one side tied onto the yacht & through the mooring the waves were wild, I was laughing as the water pounded over the
top of us. Got one side on & through the mooring then had to take the rope round the bow to the other side he said go go quick
so I did launched the boat off a big wave going sideways & spun it round.....then nearly done a 180 off the rolling wave to face the
bow he squealed like a wee bitch I think he spatt his marbles oot 🤣🤣
Said I was a nutter :eek::eek:🤣

Got the job done very quick no hassle. :cool:
Big kiltie show off!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 just cos yous don't wear any pants!!!🤣🤣🤣
Really ROFLed at that.
Especially him spitting oot his marbles!!
Bet his pants are broon noo!!🤣🤣🤣

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