Morning you lot, its dark wet & blowing a gale. Have a great day n be safe. :):)
You too mate, think of you and @Def90man and our grandson on (wait while I google map it).....Clachan Seil. His address is "Clachan Seil, Oban." Which beats the poop out of me as there is 136 miles between them! And he deffo doesn't live in Oban!

And any others on here in the danger zone.🫰🫰🫰
Mornin all.
Got a funny letter from the Dorset Police yessdi.
I had been clocked by a bunch of peeps on a speed camera doing about 38 in a 40 mph zone.
Except it wasn't.
It had changed while we were away to a 30 zone. All of about 100 yards long! (It didn't actually say what speed I was doing, I just know cos I checked my speed when I saw the blokey with the gun thing!)

This was the first time I had been down that bit of road since we got back, it has been a 40 mph zone since I ever have lived in Ferndown, and of course there was no 30 mph speed limit sign when I turned on to it from our estate, which obvs is a 30! (It is street lit.)

We have to assume that all this happened, including any warning signs about a new limit, long enough ago for the signs to have been removed. Of course TomTom still thinks it's a 40 not that that cuts any ice.

Anyway I am not being done cos the Karens/vigilantes who were all there doing the biz haven't, one assumes, got the powere to do more than dob you in. So the letter warned me that if I did it 3 times they'd tell the plods and they what?
It is all very unclear.

Have any of you come across this before?

Me being me I couldn't just let it ride, I wrote an email to chief Karen, a Ms Attwood, explaining how it happened and asking a few questions. I'll be interested to see if she answers them! Like "Does the Traffic Police lend its speed guns to them and are they tested each time they are used?" and "...if this group of people catch a driver speeding 3 times, do they have the power to prosecute the driver? If not, are the police going to rely on their evidence and then prosecute the driver? I was under the impression that only the evidence from a member of the police force, or the evidence from an official speed camera could be used to prosecute people for speeding.
If this is not the case, can you provide me with a link to the statute where this law has changed?"

The letter actually said that if "caught by these peeps three times I would be referred to our No Excuse/Roads Policing Team for consideration of further action". Which is about as wooly as a wooly mammoth on a cold day.

They also included a leaflet from the "Community Speed Watch" peeps which was as preachy as it was patronising.

Shame on me. I shouldn't have been speeding though to know it I would have had to have noticed the absence of stuff, like the 40 mph sign at a set of lights, and any 40 mph repeaters which I doubt there ever were as Dorset is poop at putting these up where they should.

But I can't help being irked at all this being done by a bunch of saddos with nowt else to do in their lives. :mad::mad:

It was obvious that they weren't having much luck elsewhere in the town as they were all grouped on one of the only two or three bits of road where the limit has changed very recently.

Rant over! (Haven't had one of these for a while!!!)

Anyway stay safe peeps, especially those in Scotty land, incuding our grandson who has already been cut off on his island, the one opposite Oban, can never remember the name of it. Those on both the east coast where apparentyl a lady has died already, the west coast and then the east coast of Yorkshire, Tynseside, etc

We are off to Bath to the thee-ater this evening so have a good one folks!
TBH I would welcome a bunch of "Saddo" Karen's with speed guns to stop the little oiks in their hot-hatches doing 60+ down my street. It is obviously a 30 limit, but they don't care, its gun it as fast as possible. :mad:
TBH I would welcome a bunch of "Saddo" Karen's with speed guns to stop the little oiks in their hot-hatches doing 60+ down my street. It is obviously a 30 limit, but they don't care, its gun it as fast as possible. :mad:
Yep, I get that, and sympathise.
(I was expecting some kick back from my remarks.)
But as I strictly observe all speed limits even the 20 mph ones, it irked the flip out of me to be caught ought like this.
Yep, I get that, and sympathise.
(I was expecting some kick back from my remarks.)
But as I strictly observe all speed limits even the 20 mph ones, it irked the flip out of me to be caught like this.
I would be irked too. If I have been inattentive and cannot remember seeing a speed sign I always default to 30mph limit in any urban area "unless posted otherwise" except on a dual carriageway or 3-lane dual carriageway. Better safe than sorry and all that.
Today is the day of my 6-Monthly AAA scan. :(

I'm still here, so that's a plus. The last measurement I can remember was 3.9cm (presented like this so you think it's not too big really).
I am expecting it to be closer to 4cm this time because they only grow. :(
When you think that a "normal" Aorta is usually 2cm it does give you "pause".

I was trying to picture what was growing inside me like an "Alien" from the film of that name, and I couldn't really visualise it.
So I got some round pieces of bar stock out to compare 20mm to 40mm diameter and while the numbers trip off the tongue easily the actual physical difference of the two cylinders is quite shocking, if not a little scary to think it is something that "could" rupture at any time and that's it for me. A sobering thought indeed.
Anyway, I will know more late this afternoon. I wish they would just schedule the OP and have done with it, but there's risks in that too.

Abdominal aortic repair is a major surgical procedure done to treat an aortic aneurysm. Elective surgery on an abdominal aortic aneurysm is indicated when an aneurysm is four or five cm or larger. Usually, the aneurysm is resected, and the aorta is replaced with a tube graft.

And how successful is it as an operation?
The 1-year mortality after open AAA repair was 8 %. Overall, 39 % of patients died within 10 postoperative years (mean 6.0 ± 2.8 years).

All cheery and heartening stuff isn't it? :D
What always amazes me is how very hard they press the ultrasound head into your guts, I always think "would you press a weakened balloon this hard?

Anyway's I will let you all know how much "Thumper" has grown (or not) later. :D

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Today is the day of my 6-Monthly AAA scan. :(

I'm still here, so that's a plus. The last measurement I can remember was 3.9cm (presented like this so you think it's not too big really).
I am expecting it to be closer to 4cm this time because they only grow. :(
When you think that a "normal" Aorta is usually 2cm it does give you "pause".

I was trying to picture what was growing inside me like an "Alien" from the film of that name, and I couldn't really visualise it.
So I got some round pieces of bar stock out to compare 20mm to 40mm diameter and while the numbers trip off the tongue easily the actual physical difference of the two cylinders is quite shocking, if not a little scary to think it is something that "could" rupture at any time and that's it for me. A sobering thought indeed.
Anyway, I will know more late this afternoon. I wish they would just schedule the OP and have done with it, but there's risks in that too.

Abdominal aortic repair is a major surgical procedure done to treat an aortic aneurysm. Elective surgery on an abdominal aortic aneurysm is indicated when an aneurysm is four or five cm or larger. Usually, the aneurysm is resected, and the aorta is replaced with a tube graft.

And how successful is it as an operation?
The 1-year mortality after open AAA repair was 8 %. Overall, 39 % of patients died within 10 postoperative years (mean 6.0 ± 2.8 years).

All cheery and heartening stuff isn't it? :D
What always amazes me is how very herd they press the ultrasound head into your guts, I always think "would you press a weakened balloon this hard?

Anyway's I will let you all know how much "Thumper" has grown (or not) later. :D

View attachment 300447
Not funny at all and totally understnad why you want it done sooner than later. Is there any chance of you going private? No idea of the cost mind, hain't googled it nor nuffin.
Just did, they won't tell you, is simple as...
Money grubbing barstaff.
Unless you get stuck in their grinding wheels.

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