Love it.
(And as "gob" isn't that far from "gub" I got that first time, "Kiltie"!!)
Anyways, well done for the recoveries, and not lumping the snobby bloke one. 🤣🤣🤣
We got this sort of thing, doing MSA recovery, from some of the rallyists. Their way often ended in damage to the vehicle, mostly the plastic bodywork and , of course, just wasted time. Until they let us just get on with it. 🤣🤣🤣
Here at Chateau Stanley we are both thinking of you and other Scots peeps in all this weather.
Best of luck with it matey!:):):)

Cheers im having a wee rum. Our walls are so thick I cant hear if its windy & pizzin doon ootside but I'll find out soon
as we need coal indoors.
Well I had a fun afternoon.
You know when you have good plasterboard anchors in a wall and you want to reuse them, but the thing you want to hang off them is quite a bit thicker?
Well that was me. 5mm threaded pan head bolts. Needed to be a lot longer.
Couldn't find any no matter where I looked unless I was prepared to wait until the middle of next week, pay postage and buy in large quantity.
So next thought, threaded bar. Similar issues.
So with a grieving heart I had to bite the bullet, buy 6 mm wall anchors and 6mm threaded bar which I could get from Scroofix this p.m. Fortunately what I am putting up will hide the old fixings in the wall and it don't matter what the tops of the cut off threaded bar and nuts will look like. It is the mount for the "bifold" cupboard door I am mounting to hide the boiler, together with a piece of old cupboard side hinged off it.
Had to put a thicker mounting batten up as the cupboard door now has to go 50 mm down over the top tile which is thicker than the old ones and come up higher under the boiler. So a crafty piece had to be cut out of that an orl.
Once up it will look like a cupboard except if you look underneath it and/or notice two pipes coming out of the top!
I'm hoping I ordered a handle so it will look like a cupboard like the old one did.
Pull the handle, the whole thing, both pieces, swings back against the wall and window ledge so I can get the boiler covers off .
The side piece will be hinged too so the whole shooting match folds back upon itself.
Why is it that the cosmetics on a job take so much more time than the meat and two veg of it? If you see what I mean!:rolleyes:
Eye has had some success wiv me oranges. Bin struggling to peel em. Takes too long and the skin bit inside needs peeled oft after. When done they dun't taste nice. No juice in em so all yer get is the mush bit. Eye have picked different ones from sainsberrys but still no good. Eye has now found the little easy peel one like eye had assa nipper. Not the smallest one. Next size up. They peel easy and taste of orange un has juice in em.
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Eye has had some sucess wiv me oranges. Bin struggling to peel em. Takes too long and the skin bit inside needs peeled oft after. When done they dun't taste nice. No juice in em so all yer get is the mush bit. Eye have picked different ones from sainsberrys but still no good. Eye has now found the little easy peel one like eye had assa nipper. Not the smallest one. Next size up. They peel easy and taste of orange un has juice in em.
An orange wot tastes of orange!? 🤯
Mornin all.
Got a funny letter from the Dorset Police yessdi.
I had been clocked by a bunch of peeps on a speed camera doing about 38 in a 40 mph zone.
Except it wasn't.
It had changed while we were away to a 30 zone. All of about 100 yards long! (It didn't actually say what speed I was doing, I just know cos I checked my speed when I saw the blokey with the gun thing!)

This was the first time I had been down that bit of road since we got back, it has been a 40 mph zone since I ever have lived in Ferndown, and of course there was no 30 mph speed limit sign when I turned on to it from our estate, which obvs is a 30! (It is street lit.)

We have to assume that all this happened, including any warning signs about a new limit, long enough ago for the signs to have been removed. Of course TomTom still thinks it's a 40 not that that cuts any ice.

Anyway I am not being done cos the Karens/vigilantes who were all there doing the biz haven't, one assumes, got the powere to do more than dob you in. So the letter warned me that if I did it 3 times they'd tell the plods and they what?
It is all very unclear.

Have any of you come across this before?

Me being me I couldn't just let it ride, I wrote an email to chief Karen, a Ms Attwood, explaining how it happened and asking a few questions. I'll be interested to see if she answers them! Like "Does the Traffic Police lend its speed guns to them and are they tested each time they are used?" and "...if this group of people catch a driver speeding 3 times, do they have the power to prosecute the driver? If not, are the police going to rely on their evidence and then prosecute the driver? I was under the impression that only the evidence from a member of the police force, or the evidence from an official speed camera could be used to prosecute people for speeding.
If this is not the case, can you provide me with a link to the statute where this law has changed?"

The letter actually said that if "caught by these peeps three times I would be referred to our No Excuse/Roads Policing Team for consideration of further action". Which is about as wooly as a wooly mammoth on a cold day.

They also included a leaflet from the "Community Speed Watch" peeps which was as preachy as it was patronising.

Shame on me. I shouldn't have been speeding though to know it I would have had to have noticed the absence of stuff, like the 40 mph sign at a set of lights, and any 40 mph repeaters which I doubt there ever were as Dorset is poop at putting these up where they should.

But I can't help being irked at all this being done by a bunch of saddos with nowt else to do in their lives. :mad::mad:

It was obvious that they weren't having much luck elsewhere in the town as they were all grouped on one of the only two or three bits of road where the limit has changed very recently.

Rant over! (Haven't had one of these for a while!!!)

Anyway stay safe peeps, especially those in Scotty land, incuding our grandson who has already been cut off on his island, the one opposite Oban, can never remember the name of it. Those on both the east coast where apparentyl a lady has died already, the west coast and then the east coast of Yorkshire, Tynseside, etc

We are off to Bath to the thee-ater this evening so have a good one folks!

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