Where did snooker come from ?? is he not wanting a poop table.
Eye want to make meself an 8x4 foot nooker table.
And in one of your replies above you quoted his post #102,986 which said the same thing!!!!!

A pub sized pool table would be about his size, maybe a bit smaller. So if he wanted a pool table he could just buy a secondhand one.

I once lived in a flat below some peeps who had a dinner table that could be converted to a small snooker table.
Great fun except when they were playing , we were underneath them, and they kept dropping the thick end of the cues on the floor. Got annoying after a while!
i know what it was now..
since i've had my new phone (pixel7) i've used considerably more mobile data!
I've not changed my usage and all the same apps installed.. maybe one or 2 less
Oops! Can you go back to your old phone? ;);););)
Personally I hardly ever switch my mobile on and when I do it is always with roaming off.
I use it at home sometimes (Wiif) or in places with free WiFi, like hotels

Others who are more "up" in these things will tell you why this is happening, but I agree, it sucks.. :(:(:(
Back from the Osteopath.
Her view is that the posture L-R is improved, the neck is moving more freely and fully.
Today she really went to town on the knotted muscle(s) on the right side of my back (my goodness it was really painful, like I imagine having a red-hot poker pushed into your back). But she says that this is like peeling an onion to get deeper and deeper and to the root-cause. So I am happy. Best £40 spend ever. :D
And in one of your replies above you quoted his post #102,986 which said the same thing!!!!!

A pub sized pool table would be about his size, maybe a bit smaller. So if he wanted a pool table he could just buy a secondhand one.

I once lived in a flat below some peeps who had a dinner table that could be converted to a small snooker table.
Great fun except when they were playing , we were underneath them, and they kept dropping the thick end of the cues on the floor. Got annoying after a while!

Not sure if I seen that ?? might have done but was very tired so may have done or not, or did eye 🤣

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