One thing pea-ed me off this morning.
Got an email from Norton telling me stuff about the new subscription "I had just paid".
Barstaff!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
@Hippo had convinced me that some form of AVG would be betterer and I was going to get on here and ask him how to go about getting it cheaper and better for my lappy at least.
I didn't think my renewal was as soon as this.
As usual they have got me cos I can't be assed to cancel it and it isn't too expensive, although it likely isn't as good.
BUT I'll cancel the automatic renewal then at least they may have the decency to warn me in plenty of time next year and I'll be able to do what I wanted to do this year.

Cancel it now or you'll forget.
and here is this morning's funny happening.
(Can only happen to me.):rolleyes:

I'm sitting at the brekfus table, daydreaming while eating and drinking, waiting while W gets herwself down and onto her brekker.
I had my left elbow on the table with a piece of toast folded in two with marmalade in it.
Suddenly I feel a coldish, sticky "gloop" hit my elbow inside my dressing gown sleeve. :eek:
Yep, you guessed it, a bit of marmalade had dropped out and down my arm. till it got trapped between my outer elbow and the material! :mad:

Yet again, something that has never happened to me before.

Yep, I know! "That'll teach you to put your elbows on the table!":rolleyes: Granny was right!!!

Yet more incentive, as if I needed it, to get the washing machine back up and running. ;)

It works now but we have discovered it is rather stinky. Not something we are used to. We think it has happend because we leave it standing for 6 months every year. And our water is very hard, unlike the machine in Frogland where the water is soft.

In Frogland it was rthe dishwasher! But we've sussed that now and remedied it.
I've discovered the mucky area is the chute and area surrounding the detergent drawer. Who'd a thort it! So I'll be taking it apart to see if I can get it out and sort it.
Hey ho pass the screwdriver!

Have a good day folks!
Always leave the machine with the door open when not it use.
We do this all the time to prevent stagnant pongs, and I dread to think what a machine left for months would be like. LOL.
Machin-au-fromage? :)

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