Tis a shame the govs we've had over the last 30 years din't concentrate as much on other fings like olly garks hiding their money in london. Robbing the peeps if russia. Suppose its easier to target straight narna's as the leading edge of the wrong doings in society, causing the world such misery.
My 2023 coachbuilt MH on a Merc auto is just £235 for fully comp ins. this year - I don't know about last year 'cos that came in the initial price - its insured value is £86,000 - this compares with my 2012 LR Disco 4 with a value of just £16,000 for which they wanted £980 !!! Needless to say I declined this offer but still have to pay in the region of £650 - no claims, no legal issues, full licence held for 58 years! I am assured it is not age descrimination but because I am the only driver on the car policy. Perhaps someone should think of setting up an agency for spare drivers to be named on single persons' policies! :)

These people who sell up their 'bricks and mortar to become full time van dwellers seem to have the right idea!

Do you have a niece who could be named ?
Nope. Ma hippo is about 500 sovs to insure. Can't remember his last yealy payment. So insurance wouldn't be cheap for me. Eye can see the option of being able to wonder being an advantage. But repair costs are high. The big panels ain't cheap. Hence why caravan sheds are easily written oft. Eye wiuldn't get use from one but eye once wukked wiv someone who took their caravan shed away for about 30 weekends a year. And a few full weeks. They were mad ferrit. So they gottid value back. Lot of peeps on youtube converting vans for wild camping. Seems to be the rage.
500 sovs to insure??!!
Yeah but hotels really don't like pets and the dog don't want to stay by herself :D
We only use hotels two days a year. And we hide the fact that we have dogs. If you want to book a holiday home as we do over Christmas having 3 dogs can really limit you.
But I have to agree that unless you use your campervan a lot they are freaking expensive.
We only use hotels two days a year. And we hide the fact that we have dogs. If you want to book a holiday home as we do over Christmas having 3 dogs can really limit you.
But I have to agree that unless you use your campervan a lot they are freaking expensive.
They are expensive but a means to an end. Still, we won't be splashing £60k on one. Hopefully now the season is ending we can get something reasonable though. It will be used as we have lots of time and a lot of motivation!
Didnt know tesco done chauffeur services. 🤣 🤣
Home delivery, i.e. as in we don't have to go there to do the shopping as they bring the grub to us in a van.
We get most of our stuff delivered from Waitrose bu they don't do the gluten free stuff that Tesco do and with a Tessco clubcard there are loads of sovs to be saved.
Maybe they only do it south of kiltwearing land!! 🤣 🤣
Home delivery, i.e. as in we don't have to go there to do the shopping as they bring the grub to us in a van.
We get most of our stuff delivered from Waitrose bu they don't do the gluten free stuff that Tesco do and with a Tessco clubcard there are loads of sovs to be saved.
Maybe they only do it south of kiltwearing land!! 🤣 🤣

Oh aye they deliver food but not people 🤣
Bit miserable tonight.
Always get like this when contemplating having to leave here and get back to Blighty but it is worse since that flipping blond idiot meant that we are now forced to get out before the forces of loranorder pounce on us for having overstayed our visa.

And I realise that this is mildly political, for which I apologise. I am now standing in the corner with my head bowed!

Funny story regarding this.
At primary school my bruv was once made to stand in the corner by his teacher Miss Guy. When there he got the overwhelming urge to pea. Having been naughty and sent to the corner he didn't dare ask to leave the room.

Miss Guy used to change her shoes when she got to school and put the other pair.......
in the corner.
So guess where lickle bruv relieved himself???

And he never got into trouble for it. So lord knows how she found out and what she did about it.

My teacher was called Miss Buckle. Funny names now I think of it. The school was The French Convent in Hull. Run by french nuns. The Mother Superior didn't even speak English.
I got expelled and to this day do not know why although I was once told by another particularly fierce nun that my behaviour was "diabolical" which at the age of 7 I didn't understand. They let me back in on probation.
Is yer gerrin that sunday feeling eye gottid assa nipper when last of the summer wine started, knowing it were school morra.
Took this out for a blast today..........tis quite quick :cool:

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