I said bicycles are venerable on the road. You said 'no'. Consider my hippo side swiping a bycyclist and later on a car. Said bycyclist is more venerable than a car. Its not really an arguement. Bicyclists have no protection against a machine like a car. On a bike yer fall oft and get smashed up. The swiped car would have eggspensive damage to repair. Same for ma hippo.

Eye had a bike from an early age and road on the road during me teens. Did me cycling proficiency wiv me junior school anorl. Eye was never unaware of the law of the road... keep away from fings biggerer than you. That's motorised vehicles. Eye always gave way to cars. Looked over me shoulder before pulling oot to overtake a parked car. Somefink eye have noticed over a number of years bicyclists dun't do. Eye took the lead in my own safety as eye knew it would hurt if eye got caught oot.

When learning to drive eye was still aware of how venerable bicyclists were. When seeing my own mistakes during learning, and during the many years eye have driven on the road thereafter, it has confirmed me forts that bicyclists are venerable and a slight mistake or lapse of judgement when driving can take oot a bicyclist too easily. Eye have pulled oot on bicyclists before. Never hit one but it taught me how invisible they is behind the A piller. Eye changed me driving method to look oot for them more because of this.

Eye often get bicyclist video's popping up on youtube. They're funny but there's a serious side to them. Eye would say the vast majority of bicycleists on the road today, dun't have the forsight eye had as a nipper. The way they pull oot in traffic and snuggle up against other vehicles (read trucks and busses) makes them more venerable. Somefink eye would never have done myself. Whilst yer can blame the driver for an incident that they caused, its pointless when yer legs are broken. Being scared and venerable of other road users made me more alert on me bike.
My attitude has always been, with a car the metal is outside you, but on a motorbike, you is outside the metal so who is gonna come of worse in a bump? Tis obvious.
I had a student who after she left school worked as a barmaid in a country pub, down a lane that was more or less a dead end. She got knocked off her bike and killed by a hit and run on her way home from work. Luckily they found out who it was and did him.
She was a terror at school but when I went for a drink in the pub she worked in, never knowing she was there, I was pleasantly surprised to see that she somehow seemed to have found a role in life. She was polite and business-like, much more grown up and sure of herself.

Then this happened a month or so later.

Such a shame. 😢😢😢
I went to Balloch today & got a fish supper sat at the river Leven, watched some idiots with a speedboat no life jackets between
them & it broke down ended up on the banks of the small island with two of them in the water pushing it off the trees 🤣
They might have got somewhere if they put the drive leg down instead making 20 foot fountains 🤣

Oh how I laughed. 🤣

But I did offer them my jump leads. :)
Your life is just one amazing hoot!!!🤣🤣🤣
Your life is just one amazing hoot!!!🤣🤣🤣

I do see loads of funny stuff & I like a laugh at work....which reminds me on friday one of the young lads is learning how
to do grp repairs, he had ear plugs in listening to some tunes I spoke to him when I went into the shed but he didnt respond
I pick up a few things & he didnt see me I shouted his name....nope nothing from him. I walked up & he was lying on his back
& I put my face nearly over his but he was so engrossed with what he was doing he never seen me for well over a minute 🤣
Then he did see me about 6 inches from his face 🤣 he freaked out & screamed 🤣🤣
I went to Balloch today & got a fish supper sat at the river Leven, watched some idiots with a speedboat no life jackets between
them & it broke down ended up on the banks of the small island with two of them in the water pushing it off the trees 🤣
They might have got somewhere if they put the drive leg down instead making 20 foot fountains 🤣

Oh how I laughed. 🤣

But I did offer them my jump leads. :)
Last time I went to Balloch I went to the old car factory. Twas raining.
I said No correct but I also said the other bit.

Yep exactly, but who’s to blame and why? We all understand risks involved but they would be a whole lot less if vehicle drivers saw it the same way.

Stop blaming the vulnerable peeps. I ride down the middle of the road and take up as much room as I can, to stop idiots doing stupid stuff, like jamming me into the kerb, and peeps wonder why some cyclists act the way they do.
Admittedly a lot of them nowadays do seem to be twits as you rightly point out, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that “I am in my metal box and rule the road” attitude needs a good slap.

I can blame venerable cyclists as SOME of them take risks which put themself directly in danger. Its all over youtube. I can do the same for bikers as SOME of them create unbeleavable risks for themselves. Many times i've seen both jump red lights. I've had bikes drive between me and another car by the side of me, while both doing 60mph on an A road. We've had a biker doing double the speed limit on our road today. He often does several laps like this on sundays. He won't be doing it next week. Youtube is full of stunts carried out by bicycles and bikers. Sneeking up the inside of trucks turning left is well recorded on youtube. I used to work with a biker who blamed everyone else on the road for his mistakes. The number of times he would limp in was worrying. On one occasion telling us how he laid his bike on its side to control a crash. He jumped a red light and swerved to miss a van pulling oot on green. Would never admit it was his fault as the van was said to have pulled out too early. Van was on green. When his bike was nicked everyone was pleased as it probably saved his life.
Chuck casserole today. Put it on late as eye was having a nap. Cooked me last lamb leg on satdi. Slow cooker on me timer plug. Cooker on e7 over night. It were nice but eye can't be bovvurd wiv the mess. Eye is into stakes now. Will watch oot for them on sale. Eye has put the left over lamb oot for me fox. The fat bits eye dun't like.

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