A busy morning had. Did a bit of carpentry work in me garage preparing bits for dottir's bung. And as my tratter got an advisory at its last MOT, for a slightly worn rear shock lower bush, and the next MOT is due at the end of this month I decided to fix it. Had a couple of options at hand - I bought new bushes, and separately a new pair of shocks with bushes, all last year just after the MOT. Took the shock off and found it is still in tip top condition, so just replaced the bottom bushes. Job done ----- :cool:
.... that I nearly got wiped out on the trike just now. :)
I was innocently approaching a junction ready to turn left when a mid-size tipper truck turning left into my road (from my right) swang wide and across onto my side of the road. Only at that point did he notice me, the trike, and the flags stuck on top of the flagpole at the back of the trike. He braked and swung hard left (same as me) while I shouted "Jesus...Man!" at the top of my voice. He shouted back "Sorry Mate" and went on his way. Could have been very different! :(

How you cannot see a trike that is Dynorod Orange with a bloke the size of a dustbin sitting on it and with a Union Jack & the Dutch flag flying aloft at a height of 5-6 feet as you approach the road you wish to turn into. NOT PAYING ATTENTION is how. :mad::mad::mad:
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.... that I nearly got wiped out on the trike just now. :)
I was innocently approaching a junction ready to turn left when a mid-size tipper truck turning left into my road (from my right) swang wide and across onto my side of the road. Only at that point did he notice me, the trike, and the flags stuck on top of the flagpole at the back of the trike. He braked and swung hard left (same as me) while I shouted "Jesus...Man!" at the top of my voice. He shouted back "Sorry Mate" and went on his way. Could have been very different! :(

How you cannot see a trike that is Dynorod Orange with a bloke the size of a dustbin sitting on it and with a Union Jack & the Dutch flag as you approach the road you wish to turn into. NOT PAYING ATTENTION is how. :mad::mad::mad:
Give him a break, he was probably busy texting ------- :oops:😀
.... that I nearly got wiped out on the trike just now. :)
I was innocently approaching a junction ready to turn left when a mid-size tipper truck turning left into my road (from my right) swang wide and across onto my side of the road. Only at that point did he notice me, the trike, and the flags stuck on top of the flagpole at the back of the trike. He braked and swung hard left (same as me) while I shouted "Jesus...Man!" at the top of my voice. He shouted back "Sorry Mate" and went on his way. Could have been very different! :(

How you cannot see a trike that is Dynorod Orange with a bloke the size of a dustbin sitting on it and with a Union Jack & the Dutch flag flying aloft at a height of 5-6 feet as you approach the road you wish to turn into. NOT PAYING ATTENTION is how. :mad::mad::mad:
Did yer have a reflective vest on?
My solicitor mate ran some tests on it and that was his conclusion. Even the French dropped the requirement for bikers to wear one :)
Edit: he was a motorcycle claims only solicitor
I don't mean the photo may or may not be fake/doctored, but the idea they are trying to prove, is false
It can make you more visible in certain circumstances, but that doesn't make you easier to see🧐 (identify as a vehicle moving towards you)
I don't mean the photo may or may not be fake/doctored, but the idea they are trying to prove, is false
It can make you more visible in certain circumstances, but that doesn't make you easier to see🧐 (identify as a vehicle moving towards you)
He did real world tests. He got a colleague to wear a full hi-viz suit and a body cam for a week, then repeated with no hi-viz. The results were the same amount of idiots not seeing him on a bike.
He did real world tests. He got a colleague to wear a full hi-viz suit and a body cam for a week, then repeated with no hi-viz. The results were the same amount of idiots not seeing him on a bike.
I suppose if you are looking you'll see him, just a bit easier. If you ain't looking you wouldn't see him if he was painted in luminous sky blue pink.

I was once driving a yellow and black mini. It looked like a flipping, bright bumble bee, bloke still pulled out of a junction, hit me and said!I didn't see you!! and he was in his 20s and otherwise on the ball. Too busy trying to flog the car he was "demonstrating" to a buyer.
I suppose if you are looking you'll see him, just a bit easier. If you ain't looking you wouldn't see him if he was painted in luminous sky blue pink.

I was once driving a yellow and black mini. It looked like a flipping, bright bumble bee, bloke still pulled out of a junction, hit me and said!I didn't see you!! and he was in his 20s and otherwise on the ball. Too busy trying to flog the car he was "demonstrating" to a buyer.
Sounds like he was pre occupied wiv the sale and talking.
On fryday eye took ma hippo for a drive to empty his dpf. It were on 23.4 so full. He'd done a partual regeneration but we dun't do many miles so thas why it din't complete. Popped into homebase. Well got to the door to find it were closing in 5 minutes. So went to bnq to get me big tie wraps.

Bnq has tree's wiv apples on. And pears and lemons. That has gottid me finking. Eye should get one of thems to feed me wildlife. Got home and threaded the big tie wraps round me burd feeder. Its gorra granade type cage over the feed to it to limit access to big burds. Magpies hang oft it to pick oot the fallen wurms in the tray at the bottom. Said tie wraps now form a bowl so they can't gerrum.

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