Bicyclist are venerable on the road. Ma ippo ain't.

No. Some peeps just don’t see any others regardless of what you wear.

Being a motobikist I see it every time I go out. My bike is not inconspicuous or quiet. But my 4wheel idiot meter is on high alert all the time.

It has been said that to get a car licence you should ride a bike around for a month, then maybe it would learn ya betterer.

On fryday when leaving for wuk me sqwiggle was on me grass looking for food. Eye stayed still at the door but he left me garden after watching me. Bit earlier eye seen his tail in the air when he was climbing around the top of one of me naybors plants. 7 foot fing. Later on there was a baby pear half eaten on me grass. Fink he robbed it and escaped to mine. There was also another remains of another sun flower head on me patio. Fink he likes em. Eye'm finking of planting some more ferrim. They grow to 2 foot. Not keen on the big ones.
On fryday eye took ma hippo for a drive to empty his dpf. It were on 23.4 so full. He'd done a partual regeneration but we dun't do many miles so thas why it din't complete. Popped into homebase. Well got to the door to find it were closing in 5 minutes. So went to bnq to get me big tie wraps.

Bnq has tree's wiv apples on. And pears and lemons. That has gottid me finking. Eye should get one of thems to feed me wildlife. Got home and threaded the big tie wraps round me burd feeder. Its gorra granade type cage over the feed to it to limit access to big burds. Magpies hang oft it to pick oot the fallen wurms in the tray at the bottom. Said tie wraps now form a bowl so they can't gerrum.
Magpies are the bane of my life 'ere. :(
No. Some peeps just don’t see any others regardless of what you wear.

Being a motobikist I see it every time I go out. My bike is not inconspicuous or quiet. But my 4wheel idiot meter is on high alert all the time.

It has been said that to get a car licence you should ride a bike around for a month, then maybe it would learn ya betterer.

I said bicycles are venerable on the road. You said 'no'. Consider my hippo side swiping a bycyclist and later on a car. Said bycyclist is more venerable than a car. Its not really an arguement. Bicyclists have no protection against a machine like a car. On a bike yer fall oft and get smashed up. The swiped car would have eggspensive damage to repair. Same for ma hippo.

Eye had a bike from an early age and road on the road during me teens. Did me cycling proficiency wiv me junior school anorl. Eye was never unaware of the law of the road... keep away from fings biggerer than you. That's motorised vehicles. Eye always gave way to cars. Looked over me shoulder before pulling oot to overtake a parked car. Somefink eye have noticed over a number of years bicyclists dun't do. Eye took the lead in my own safety as eye knew it would hurt if eye got caught oot.

When learning to drive eye was still aware of how venerable bicyclists were. When seeing my own mistakes during learning, and during the many years eye have driven on the road thereafter, it has confirmed me forts that bicyclists are venerable and a slight mistake or lapse of judgement when driving can take oot a bicyclist too easily. Eye have pulled oot on bicyclists before. Never hit one but it taught me how invisible they is behind the A piller. Eye changed me driving method to look oot for them more because of this.

Eye often get bicyclist video's popping up on youtube. They're funny but there's a serious side to them. Eye would say the vast majority of bicycleists on the road today, dun't have the forsight eye had as a nipper. The way they pull oot in traffic and snuggle up against other vehicles (read trucks and busses) makes them more venerable. Somefink eye would never have done myself. Whilst yer can blame the driver for an incident that they caused, its pointless when yer legs are broken. Being scared and venerable of other road users made me more alert on me bike.
Magpies are the bane of my life 'ere. :(
Eye have one of these. Stops them feeding from the tube but they can hang sideways oft it to pick wurms oft the plate at the bottom. There's a little burd that pulls wurms oot the tube and drops them inside. Not by mustake. He/she will happily drop 30 at a time. Eye can only assume this is to help other burds. Me plan is to encase it in two hanging basket cages. Join it to the top and bottom somehow. Theory is to make sure the little burds get priority. When feeding wiv bowls previously eye noticed bigger burds scaring away the little ones.

No. Some peeps just don’t see any others regardless of what you wear.

Being a motobikist I see it every time I go out. My bike is not inconspicuous or quiet. But my 4wheel idiot meter is on high alert all the time.

It has been said that to get a car licence you should ride a bike around for a month, then maybe it would learn ya betterer.

I think as a bikerer you learn to see more, not just look harder and more used to seeing a smaller object in the road
Eye have one of these. Stops them feeding from the tube but they can hang sideways oft it to pick wurms oft the plate at the bottom. There's a little burd that pulls wurms oot the tube and drops them inside. Not by mustake. He/she will happily drop 30 at a time. Eye can only assume this is to help other burds. Me plan is to encase it in two hanging basket cages. Join it to the top and bottom somehow. Theory is to make sure the little burds get priority. When feeding wiv bowls previously eye noticed bigger burds scaring away the little ones.

They hunt in packs 'ere -usually of about 10 birds but can be as many as 20 or 30 at a time.

Last week I had a very sad experience when one of the youngsters smashed into my bedroom window early in the morning. When I got up- a couple of hours later it was lying on its back with its feet wiggling in the air. I rescued it and supported it amongst the plants - it was out for the count but certainly hadn't broken its neck. I checked on it at 10am before I took the dogs out but, again. it was on its back with its feet wiggling in the air and it was now raining on it. Action was needed so I picked it up and made it comfortable and warm inside a covered plant propagater. I even tried to give it a drink by syringing water into its huge beak which it obliged by opening it. It did seem to be a bit more with it and was grateful for another drink so I checked on it every couple of hours giving it more water. At 10pm - the last dog trip out time - I looked in on it and it did seem to still be a bit more 'with it' - a lot of its family had been around looking for it and did discover where it was but they couldn't get at it. I was not sure if they would have pecked it to death.

The next morning it had died. I know now that magpies do indeed mourn their dead - I have never had so many visitors and they saw that I buried it. They all kept away for three full days - I'm sure they blamed me for its demise. :(
No. Some peeps just don’t see any others regardless of what you wear.

Being a motobikist I see it every time I go out. My bike is not inconspicuous or quiet. But my 4wheel idiot meter is on high alert all the time.

It has been said that to get a car licence you should ride a bike around for a month, then maybe it would learn ya betterer.

Good idea but you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink 😐😐
On fryday when leaving for wuk me sqwiggle was on me grass looking for food. Eye stayed still at the door but he left me garden after watching me. Bit earlier eye seen his tail in the air when he was climbing around the top of one of me naybors plants. 7 foot fing. Later on there was a baby pear half eaten on me grass. Fink he robbed it and escaped to mine. There was also another remains of another sun flower head on me patio. Fink he likes em. Eye'm finking of planting some more ferrim. They grow to 2 foot. Not keen on the big ones.
If you want to make him very happy plant a hazelnut 🌳🌳
No. Some peeps just don’t see any others regardless of what you wear.

Being a motobikist I see it every time I go out. My bike is not inconspicuous or quiet. But my 4wheel idiot meter is on high alert all the time.

It has been said that to get a car licence you should ride a bike around for a month, then maybe it would learn ya betterer.

Do you do the bike lifesaver in the car too. I do freaks people out going on a motorway looking backwards
They hunt in packs 'ere -usually of about 10 birds but can be as many as 20 or 30 at a time.

Last week I had a very sad experience when one of the youngsters smashed into my bedroom window early in the morning. When I got up- a couple of hours later it was lying on its back with its feet wiggling in the air. I rescued it and supported it amongst the plants - it was out for the count but certainly hadn't broken its neck. I checked on it at 10am before I took the dogs out but, again. it was on its back with its feet wiggling in the air and it was now raining on it. Action was needed so I picked it up and made it comfortable and warm inside a covered plant propagater. I even tried to give it a drink by syringing water into its huge beak which it obliged by opening it. It did seem to be a bit more with it and was grateful for another drink so I checked on it every couple of hours giving it more water. At 10pm - the last dog trip out time - I looked in on it and it did seem to still be a bit more 'with it' - a lot of its family had been around looking for it and did discover where it was but they couldn't get at it. I was not sure if they would have pecked it to death.

The next morning it had died. I know now that magpies do indeed mourn their dead - I have never had so many visitors and they saw that I buried it. They all kept away for three full days - I'm sure they blamed me for its demise. :(
It's normally the shock that kills most wild life not the injury if eny
On fryday eye took ma hippo for a drive to empty his dpf. It were on 23.4 so full. He'd done a partual regeneration but we dun't do many miles so thas why it din't complete. Popped into homebase. Well got to the door to find it were closing in 5 minutes. So went to bnq to get me big tie wraps.

Bnq has tree's wiv apples on. And pears and lemons. That has gottid me finking. Eye should get one of thems to feed me wildlife. Got home and threaded the big tie wraps round me burd feeder. Its gorra granade type cage over the feed to it to limit access to big burds. Magpies hang oft it to pick oot the fallen wurms in the tray at the bottom. Said tie wraps now form a bowl so they can't gerrum.

Black & white matters.... 🤣
I went to Balloch today & got a fish supper sat at the river Leven, watched some idiots with a speedboat no life jackets between
them & it broke down ended up on the banks of the small island with two of them in the water pushing it off the trees 🤣
They might have got somewhere if they put the drive leg down instead making 20 foot fountains 🤣

Oh how I laughed. 🤣

But I did offer them my jump leads. :)
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No Some peeps just don’t see any others regardless of what you wear.

I said bicycles are venerable on the road. You said 'no'.

I said No correct but I also said the other bit.

Whilst yer can blame the driver for an incident that they caused, it’s pointless when yer legs are broken.

Yep exactly, but who’s to blame and why? We all understand risks involved but they would be a whole lot less if vehicle drivers saw it the same way.

Stop blaming the vulnerable peeps. I ride down the middle of the road and take up as much room as I can, to stop idiots doing stupid stuff, like jamming me into the kerb, and peeps wonder why some cyclists act the way they do.
Admittedly a lot of them nowadays do seem to be twits as you rightly point out, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that “I am in my metal box and rule the road” attitude needs a good slap.


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