One fuel tank and brackets fitted to little truck, just needs tank straps
Battery box on with air tank below just as it should be.
Going to make some wooden batteries and put a cover on.
I'm sure there must be some type of award you could win for this!
Amazing that someone can be this assed to do such a thing!!
It is all brilliant and I take all my hats off to you!!
I'm sure there must be some type of award you could win for this!
Amazing that someone can be this assed to do such a thing!!
It is all brilliant and I take all my hats off to you!!
Ha thanks
It started as me wanting something to do so I began building a trailer
As work progressed I began finding bits of scrap that could be made to look like bits that would be on a real trailer
The more 'bits' I added, the more it looked like (from a distance) a real one
I then began looking for bits that could be used, old gas cannisters for instance for air tanks
I decided to make wind down landing gear for the trailer, that's when it got interesting

I needed a tractor unit to pull said trailer but ended up making a dolly so as I could tow it to shows and get in free :)
Tractor unit was out of the question (no where to sit) so I opted for a rigid truck
The drive axle and suspensions are all from scrap bits, mobility scooter coilovers etc
I had to buy wheels and eight hubs which was expensive but bought over time
It's a bit rough close up but the idea is to make it look as real as possible
Still finding things that I can adapt to look like something the truck needs
Making two three foot by two foot 'export' boxes for a trailer load, got kids stencils to mark 'EXPORT' etc on sides

Keeps me out of the pub, it's not all exactly to scale but as long as it looks right then I'm happy
And I get free weekends at shows as an exhibitor
Although they don't know what group to put me in so I fill the form in as if it's a real classic truck:D

Get obsessed sometimes with details
Is it just me or do your people get all their staff (bar you of course) from "Numpties are us!"
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Ok so the same lad earlier that morning.................

Small fishing boat was full of water inside so had to tow it with the machine (tow bar fitted onto the forks)
Let it drain for 5 mins then I got fed up waiting so the lad hitched it up & I reversed it up the hill to put it
in the shed for repair,

anyhoo as I got to the top of the hill & the bugger decides to unhitch itself feck off back doon the hill with
the lad trying to stop it 🤣🤣🤣 oh how I laughed 🤣🤣🤣
Ok so the same lad earlier that morning.................

Small fishing boat was full of water inside so had to tow it with the machine (tow bar fitted onto the forks)
Let it drain for 5 mins then I got fed up waiting so the lad hitched it up & I reversed it up the hill to put it
in the shed for repair,

anyhoo as I got to the top of the hill & the bugger decides to unhitch itself feck off back doon the hill with
the lad trying to stop it 🤣🤣🤣 oh how I laughed 🤣🤣🤣
It's the way you tell 'em. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 ROTFL
My mate sent me this says I should make it into a camper............
I do carry a few spares such as a fan belt, a selection of nuts and bolts, various light bulbs and bits of wire and so on. Covering all the different kinds of pipes and tubes would be a little difficult, as there are so many of them. The most important spare part I carry with me is an ECU, seeing as I've had a number of these fail on me. So I can just pop the spare one in and get going again. It's also useful as a diagnostic device, as I can swap it over to see if any faults are ECU related.
I must get a back up ecu before you can't get them 😐

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