I attempted to go to Wales today but was defeated by a coolant leak on the outskirts of Birmingham.
View attachment 296113That little black spot on the pipe in the middle of the picture is in fact a hole. I've got another one on order. The AA man who turned up had some plastic hose connectors with him and re-routed my heater pipes to bypass this metal pipe, but I want the correct parts before attempting a long journey.

Interestingly, it's very close to what my engine bay spider was pointing out in an earlier post https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/i-would-just-like-to-say.225175/post-5553332

So maybe I should see if I can get it to breed. It's obviously just as good as a Nanocom for preventative maintenance.

I would want it fixed too before embarking on a long journey!

Drove from UK to BG on a butchered top hose with another "bit that fit" and an exhaust tip with a few jubilees. after having the rad re cored in dover.

Really. bit of rubber hose and some clips get on your way:) .

.... I survived the fight with the dead bushes and brambles. Not a pleasant experience. The chainsaw chain derailed once and I had to go back home to put it all back together. The safety brake on the saw has failed (it doesn't fully release) so I had to pull the brake handle in hard with a zip-tie or the drum started smoking. Got all the stuff cut down with only minor wounds. :D
I am informed that this heroism need not be repeated as I have chopped it all really low and stacked it to dry and to be transported to the woods at the back of the garden another time.
I do carry a few spares such as a fan belt, a selection of nuts and bolts, various light bulbs and bits of wire and so on. Covering all the different kinds of pipes and tubes would be a little difficult, as there are so many of them. The most important spare part I carry with me is an ECU, seeing as I've had a number of these fail on me. So I can just pop the spare one in and get going again. It's also useful as a diagnostic device, as I can swap it over to see if any faults are ECU related.
I did wonder whether to attempt a temporary repair myself with a dollop of Araldite, but decided to get the AA out because they've got more parts and tools than I have and given the nature of the problem I needed to return to base anyway.
I carry that stuff in a cylindrical shape like a sort of squidgy metal that you work with your fingers until uniform and which is supposed set even under water.
I do carry a few spares such as a fan belt, a selection of nuts and bolts, various light bulbs and bits of wire and so on. Covering all the different kinds of pipes and tubes would be a little difficult, as there are so many of them. The most important spare part I carry with me is an ECU, seeing as I've had a number of these fail on me. So I can just pop the spare one in and get going again. It's also useful as a diagnostic device, as I can swap it over to see if any faults are ECU related.
Wot, no cable ties???!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
No Gaffer tape???!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:
I keep those to hand so I don't have to shift luggage around to be able to open both rear locker/paniers which are full of spares (LHS) and tools (RHS and Tailgate pockets!)
When I bruk the nearside indicator this April, I used insulation tape, (cubby box) spare bulb (same box) multitool, (Driver's door pocket.) Still driving around with it now except I replaced the black insulation tape with clear packing tape.
I'll get a spare once back in Blighty.
Is it an old coal authority house? They did a fing years ago where they tried to use the metal water pipes as a trial to see iffit would wurk. Eye remember a college lecturer telling us funnys stories about it.
Tis a bungalow in a village just outside Lincoln. No coal mines nearby. Carrot mines maybe :p. Anyroad up, I managed to chisel the concrete from around the pipe today, and got enough exposed to attempt a repair in a day or two. Also discovered a hollow area under the floor slab where the pipe comes through, looks like a bit of a bodge job done when the drainage pipe went in some years ago. So a bit of underpinning to do. I shall show the son-in-law how to do it -----

....that I am reliably informed that standing on top of a raised flower bed and brandishing an angry chainsaw to trim the old gal's tree in the upper corner of her front garden is a perfectly safe thing to do and that I had best just get on with it today.
I have said that I will "look" at the site and I will decide whether it is safe for me to be stood up there by having the saw "dead" and seeing how unbalanced I might become wielding it. Much better that the saw is dead than I am dead I think. But that's just my opinion and no-one gives a tinker's what I think. ;)
Remember to wear a hockey mask, pink shorts and a t-shirt describing a working woman in a slur form.
One fuel tank and brackets fitted to little truck, just needs tank straps
Battery box on with air tank below just as it should be.
Going to make some wooden batteries and put a cover on.


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