I get it often more in the summer.
Bottom line is the body needs fluid/salt/electrolytes, so its always a sign that I try and take notice of ;) .

I was going to add that, but thought better of it. I've a feeling it may be potassium, but it could just be salt. As you say likely to lose more in the heat.
Just checked it is apparently just salt.
I just bought a bottle of Laphroaig select. Either I've got covid, or it's bland and uninspired. Not the kick in the face with a peat covered boot that I'd expect from leapfrog at all!
That's a shame tis one of, if not the, favourite for my palate. :( EDIT. never tried the select, just have the bog-STANdard one!

But I know it really does divide opinion, even more than Marmite!;)
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Its for sale once its sorted or I'll burn it lol They seam to have ecu problems. They are great fun to drive though prob
make good track cars, you do need good diagnostics if your messing about with modern stuff which as you can be costly.
Better sticking to old skool stuff its easier to repair at home. :)
I think you may well be right. What diagnostics do you use?
Had to empty some fuel & hydraulic oil tanks off scrap machines & the young lad was watching me loosen the drain
plugs & decided to have a go himself. I had the old tank on the forks on the machine & draining them into ibc's
Just as I shouted dont take it OOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTT...............:oops::oops::vb-groan2:

Yer the 60mm bung shot out his hand red diesel comes out like a fire hose face 🤣🤣
He tried to stop it coming out & it was spraying every where through his fingers he was covered in diesel 🤣
I grabbed a rag n stopped it until I could spot the bung then a bit of jiggery pokey got it back in haha

He done another boo boo before this 🤣🤣
Is it just me or do your people get all their staff (bar you of course) from "Numpties are us!"
Well after loads of days of stupidly hot dry weather, we woke up to it being drizzle.
So I had to run out in just my shorts, getting wet, while I put the machinery away that I had left out as my back has been killing me the last couple of days, to the extent that I can't even get out of pain lying on a bed.
Bliddy weather forecasts for the nearest two places, one up the mountain, one down it, both show "No rain", stooopid flippers.
So have phoned around to find out when a couple of wine chateaux will be open so we can go and top up/get stuff for the UK. We don't need much so will combine them on one day.;)
Will have to go to the chiro again as my back is barely comfortable standing up and sitting or lying means I have to take painkillers. 3 months now, longest this has ever gone on. :rolleyes: Need some decent sleep.
Hope you all have a good Fridi!:):):)
....that I am reliably informed that standing on top of a raised flower bed and brandishing an angry chainsaw to trim the old gal's tree in the upper corner of her front garden is a perfectly safe thing to do and that I had best just get on with it today.
I have said that I will "look" at the site and I will decide whether it is safe for me to be stood up there by having the saw "dead" and seeing how unbalanced I might become wielding it. Much better that the saw is dead than I am dead I think. But that's just my opinion and no-one gives a tinker's what I think. ;)
....that I am reliably informed that standing on top of a raised flower bed and brandishing an angry chainsaw to trim the old gal's tree in the upper corner of her front garden is a perfectly safe thing to do and that I had best just get on with it today.
I have said that I will "look" at the site and I will decide whether it is safe for me to be stood up there by having the saw "dead" and seeing how unbalanced I might become wielding it. Much better that the saw is dead than I am dead I think. But that's just my opinion and no-one gives a tinker's what I think. ;)
Have you checked to see if any new policies have been taken out? :eek:
Just found this out.:(
Having tried for some time to book one of our favourite restaurants for various celebrations and having had no luck, I dug a bit deeper and found out that the chef, (couple-run place) died last February, on my birthday no less.
62 years of age, out cycling with some mates from his cycling club, (Mad keen cyclist) he apparently had an "unfortunate" fall from which he never got up.
We have to assume he hit his head, helmet or not, or maybe went down a ravine. No idea.
Still a bit in shock. We have been eating there for the best part of 25 years. His "rognons en sauce" were so good that we didn't even have to order them, his wife who did the serving just took it as read.
I attempted to go to Wales today but was defeated by a coolant leak on the outskirts of Birmingham.
That little black spot on the pipe in the middle of the picture is in fact a hole. I've got another one on order. The AA man who turned up had some plastic hose connectors with him and re-routed my heater pipes to bypass this metal pipe, but I want the correct parts before attempting a long journey.

Interestingly, it's very close to what my engine bay spider was pointing out in an earlier post https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/i-would-just-like-to-say.225175/post-5553332

So maybe I should see if I can get it to breed. It's obviously just as good as a Nanocom for preventative maintenance.
I attempted to go to Wales today but was defeated by a coolant leak on the outskirts of Birmingham.
View attachment 296113That little black spot on the pipe in the middle of the picture is in fact a hole. I've got another one on order. The AA man who turned up had some plastic hose connectors with him and re-routed my heater pipes to bypass this metal pipe, but I want the correct parts before attempting a long journey.

Interestingly, it's very close to what my engine bay spider was pointing out in an earlier post https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/i-would-just-like-to-say.225175/post-5553332

So maybe I should see if I can get it to breed. It's obviously just as good as a Nanocom for preventative maintenance.
I would want it fixed too before embarking on a long journey!
I attempted to go to Wales today but was defeated by a coolant leak on the outskirts of Birmingham.
View attachment 296113That little black spot on the pipe in the middle of the picture is in fact a hole. I've got another one on order. The AA man who turned up had some plastic hose connectors with him and re-routed my heater pipes to bypass this metal pipe, but I want the correct parts before attempting a long journey.

Interestingly, it's very close to what my engine bay spider was pointing out in an earlier post https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/i-would-just-like-to-say.225175/post-5553332

So maybe I should see if I can get it to breed. It's obviously just as good as a Nanocom for preventative maintenance.
This hole is very similar to one a mate of mine and I "found" on the M4 heading from London to Bath.
In our case it was in his top hose.
We were very lucky to be able to fix it, he parked up under a bridge on the hard shoulder while I climbed up it to a main road. 50/50 chance, went the right way, came across a pro mech fixing a 3 tonner. I asked him if he had a tophose for a Mini in his van. "No" quoth he, "But they'll have one in the stores and I am just off there!" So 20 mins later I had one, slipped him a few bob and went back. Mate and I fitted it, we had already poured all the W/s wash water in it, it looked low so we both pead in it!! Got to our mates in Bath just a bit late. The mech said to me, "If you had taken the pressure cap off you'd prolly have been OK , it'd have just run a bit hot!"

We'd originally tried to fix it with a sweet wrapper and a pair of jubilee clips. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Now would that be a spinner? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: (Here endeth the full sum of my fishing knowledge. I was once on a boat that used it and they caught precisely one mackerel. Only fish I have ever eaten off anyone's line. Twas lovely fried in butter!)🤣
The normal for mackerel is jiged string of feathers but for trolling a plug or lure will get bass or mackerel a spinner you cast out and retrieve at the depth the fish are at slow retrieval deeper a fast retrieval shallow and lot's more
The normal for mackerel is jiged string of feathers but for trolling a plug or lure will get bass or mackerel a spinner you cast out and retrieve at the depth the fish are at slow retrieval deeper a fast retrieval shallow and lot's more
As I tried to say, I know Sweet FA about fishing. All I know is that they put some kind of a line over with a load of hooks on it and summat on the end and caught shed-loads off somewhere near Cornwall. But it didn't work so well in the Solent in the hot weather in 1976. We'd have been either sailing very slowly in the light winds or motoring at no more than 4 knots.
Not even sure I know what trolling is. Is it winding a line back in slowly? Or leaving it out for a while from a slow moving boat or summat? Think I read about a "trolling motor" in a book written by a Merkin crime writer who is forever banging on about fishing for "walleye" etc, in his otherwise brilliant novels!
I attempted to go to Wales today but was defeated by a coolant leak on the outskirts of Birmingham.
View attachment 296113That little black spot on the pipe in the middle of the picture is in fact a hole. I've got another one on order. The AA man who turned up had some plastic hose connectors with him and re-routed my heater pipes to bypass this metal pipe, but I want the correct parts before attempting a long journey.

Interestingly, it's very close to what my engine bay spider was pointing out in an earlier post https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/i-would-just-like-to-say.225175/post-5553332

So maybe I should see if I can get it to breed. It's obviously just as good as a Nanocom for preventative maintenance.
A bit of rubber inertube and juberleclip would have done it

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