Blaming the wimmins?? Not down to yourself then?? :vb-ladysman: blaming myself cos I like(d) wimmins far too much! For "down to wimmins" please read "down to my doing stupid things because of my constant ....... (I daren't finish this off!) :rolleyes:

Doubtless there will now be a lot of others finishing it off, an award will be made in good time!!!
Yes indeed :D I have been awarded the DXCC award now πŸ‘
Well done! :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana:
Well for one thing, the back injury I sustained at the age of 18 was down to diving into a swimming pool from some scaffolding in order to impress........

.......yes, you guessed it, my (then time) girlfriend. (At least she and I are still in touch.)

And I learned my lesson and never did anything physically dangerous to impress a wimmins again. The REALLY stupid thing is that she didn't need impressing, we'd been going out for ages by then. :rolleyes:

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