Baffle plates or is it just a box also do you put enzymes tabs in as you only use it for 6 months? And if no aeration you will get a scrum floating on the surface?
Funnily a bloke from the water company came and inspected it earlier last year and decreed it as being fine, He lifted out a box filter type thing, a bit like what you might put your cutlery in in a dishwasher only a lot bigger, it all seemed fine.
Then a little while later it started overflowing. A neighbour and I investigated and there seemed to be blockage just after the outlet from the top of the side of the tank curved downwards to go presumably to quite a depth and then out again at a right angle off across the land and a load of other land to eventually join the "main drain" 250 metres away. He went and got his Karcher and with that, and me poking it with a flexible branch, it cleared.
We are ultra strict about what goes into it, we use the enzyme tabs regularly and try to ensure no one sticks stuff down the bog that they shouldn't.
The tank has two concrete manhole covers on it so I don't know if that counts as "no aeration" it does, or did have a bit of scum on it, but I thought that was normal, but then I lifted the other manhole cover when I checked, when blokey lifted the one just by the outflow this didn't seem to be there.
Not a pleasant task but I'll get to the "bottom" of it!!!

TBH I have never questioned the design of it, from the outside all you can see are the two concrete manhole covers, and as I mentioned the filter type thing which can only be a coarse filter. I think there may well be a baffle plate between the two halves of it.
The rain water collecting tank is exactly the same, I'll have a look in that as it will be less noisesome and get back to you all!!
Whats that then?

The EPG is the Electricity Price Guarantee that the govt forced the retailers to take off, I think. When the Ukraine thing kicked off and energy climbed throught the roof.

Energy Charges for Meter 16K028302222nd Jun 2023 21950.0 Smart meter reading1st Jul 2023 21961.1 Smart meter readingEnergy Used 11.2 kWh @ 48.49p/kWh £5.41Energy Price Guarantee 11.2 kWh @ 16.57p/kWh -£1.85Standing Charge 9 days @ 45.67p/day £4.11Subtotal of charges before VAT £7.67VAT @ 5.00% £0.38Total Electricity Charges £8.05

sorry it isn't in neat columns. Copied from my last bill.
If we had a normal septic tank crowsfoot outfall it would be sorted out by about 25 fruit trees and 30 cypressia leylandii!
The only problem with that is the tree roots follow the nutrients and will fill a discharge pipe in a very short time seen it often root enters only a couple of mill once inside expands to over 50mil be it plastic or salt glazed the drainage bed should be only grass or reed as we have a plant we don't need that
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The EPG is the Electricity Price Guarantee that the govt forced the retailers to take off, I think. When the Ukraine thing kicked off and energy climbed throught the roof.

Energy Charges for Meter 16K028302222nd Jun 2023 21950.0 Smart meter reading1st Jul 2023 21961.1 Smart meter readingEnergy Used 11.2 kWh @ 48.49p/kWh £5.41Energy Price Guarantee 11.2 kWh @ 16.57p/kWh -£1.85Standing Charge 9 days @ 45.67p/day £4.11Subtotal of charges before VAT £7.67VAT @ 5.00% £0.38Total Electricity Charges £8.05

sorry it isn't in neat columns. Copied from my last bill.
Think you'll find its gone up a lot since our last party weekend :p
Not me I'm afraid But 9 hrs of sunshine should do it

Don’t quite understand if you are connected to the main drain why you have a tank? :vb-confused2:
That is a massively intelligent question.
When we were getting the house built we were told we had to have a tank with either a normal crowsfoot outfall or a pipe leading to the "tout a l'égout" i.e. the main drains.
When I first asked it I was told that it was because the sewage company didn't have enough power/capacity whatever to deal with raw sewage so it had to be treated first by us. Then it could join the main drain.
When the water / sewage company guy and I had a convo last year I asked him why I was paying for sewage treatment when I was doing it myself.
At first he went and had a look at the paperwork and agreed with me that we shouldn't, have been paying for it and we were entitled to some money back.
The following morn he was on my doorstep at 8 a.m. to tell me he had made a mistake and we were not entitled to money back as they "collected" it from us.
I then asked him to inspect the tank and you know the next part of the story.
I asked him what was happening in the future and he said that a sewage plant to serve a whole load of little places like ours was planned for a few years time.
So I asked him where our outfall actually went and he basically said that it went all around a whole load of places then ended up.......

In a stream!!!

Go figure, cos I bliddy can't!!

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