Well the "annus horribilis" continues.
Went to dig the dog bath out of the shed, (tis an old plastic baby bath bought at the equivalent of a car boot a few years back), got it outside and ..... poop, it's cracked vertically in two places.

Bit of swearing then I cleaned it around the cracks and applied gaffer tape, as you would!

Amazingly it worked!

Poor old dog didn't like being washed, as usual. Water went all over the decking, the table, me, etc. But she is a lot cleaner now.
Maybe I'll try and clip her this arvo. Not an easy job single handed but as we know W shouldn't be standing up and helping.

Anyone know a good way of washing off the excess cerumen a doggy produces? Being long haired and long eared, as well as having a bit of a problem, she has produced tons and the bath only helped a bit. I've googled it and all I can find is manufacturers trying to flog their product. I already have the normal stuff from the vets to clean the inner ears and they are lovely and clean now. It's the remnants of what was left over from before we spotted it that is greasy and needs sorting out.

I think I'll have to bite the bullet and use the clippers first, which will mean a huge clean up of them after, then try yet again with doggy shampoo. Unless anyone else has a good idea.
We're both really fed up today.
Far too much to do and our bodies are stopping us from doing it, or at least massively slowing us down.
Also the dogs require far more attention than usual, plus the septic tank has some form of a partial blockage again. Last year we cleared it and we still have no idea why it blocked in the first place, it's in the outfall pipe for heaven's sake.

Very quiet today the 15th is a bank holiday for some reason but also the anniversary of the day we met, 33 years ago.
So the Champagne is now in the fridge.;)
Still in the dog house though, didn't get her a card! Yet again! Normally never forget anything but this year her burpday, our wedding anniversary and now this one. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Ooops, lots of brownie points gone now! :rolleyes:
She'll be making plum jam while I'll be trying to trim the oldest dog, have a good day folks!:):):):)
15th of August is the feast of the assumption of Mary. Catholic coutries shut down...

My wife has just spotted a 1960s Alpine Sunbeam for sale locally ( first hand..) and some how has fewer objections to tha the Landie...
15th of August is the feast of the assumption of Mary. Catholic coutries shut down...

My wife has just spotted a 1960s Alpine Sunbeam for sale locally ( first hand..) and some how has fewer objections to tha the Landie...
I worked with an Italian guy who had eventually TWO sunbeam Tigers. God would I have loved either of them!! But you can toon a Sunbeam Alpine to go well too. I'd certainly not turn one down!!

God Bless Mary!!!:):):)
Just make sure you bring back a supply next year so you can blitz it. :)
The stuff I linked too earlier is safe around fruit trees (not on but close) don't mess with the stuff you can buy in B&Q and the likes.

The risk is being caught at the port with it hidden in a car. We do have some and maybe we are hanging onto it for too long. Once it is gone it is gone.

Our son the greenkeeper has some devilish stuff, he isn't really all that keen to get it for us, but he will if we ask him. ;)
The risk is being caught at the port with it hidden in a car. We do have some and maybe we are hanging onto it for too long. Once it is gone it is gone.

Our son the greenkeeper has some devilish stuff, he isn't really all that keen to get it for us, but he will if we ask him. ;)

When was the last time you had a full search at customs?:) And before anyone mentions latex gloves thats not what I was suggesting:).

When was the last time you had a full search at customs?:) And before anyone mentions latex gloves thats not what I was suggesting:).

I cannot remember the last time, but it'll be typical of us to have stuff on board the one time they do it. The wimmins at Poole harbour with the mirrors on sticks were very keen, keener than the lot at Pompey. They ask the usual questions then do stuff like wipe the wheel for drug traces and poke the insulation under the bonnet.
As for the Frogs, one the way back to the UK they search thoroughly for illegals but on the way into frogland they generally do very little other than check our passports again.

I think if there was just one bloke in a white van he'd get a bigger look over than us, 2 OAPS with three dogs and a car on a trailer.
I cannot remember the last time, but it'll be typical of us to have stuff on board the one time they do it. The wimmins at Poole harbour with the mirrors on sticks were very keen, keener than the lot at Pompey. They ask the usual questions then do stuff like wipe the wheel for drug traces and poke the insulation under the bonnet.
As for the Frogs, one the way back to the UK they search thoroughly for illegals but on the way into frogland they generally do very little other than check our passports again.

I think if there was just one bloke in a white van he'd get a bigger look over than us, 2 OAPS with three dogs and a car on a trailer.

So 5 gallons going next year then:p.

We're both really fed up today.
Far too much to do and our bodies are stopping us from doing it, or at least massively slowing us down.
Also the dogs require far more attention than usual, plus the septic tank has some form of a partial blockage again. Last year we cleared it and we still have no idea why it blocked in the first place, it's in the outfall pipe for heaven's sake.

Very quiet today the 15th is a bank holiday for some reason but also the anniversary of the day we met, 33 years ago.
So the Champagne is now in the fridge.;)
Still in the dog house though, didn't get her a card! Yet again! Normally never forget anything but this year her burpday, our wedding anniversary and now this one. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Ooops, lots of brownie points gone now! :rolleyes:
She'll be making plum jam while I'll be trying to trim the oldest dog, have a good day folks!:):):):)
Baffle plates or is it just a box also do you put enzymes tabs in as you only use it for 6 months? And if no aeration you will get a scrum floating on the surface?

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