Dog partially clipped, she looks a bit funny with everything done excpet her legs and paws!
It takes two of us to hold her and clip her though. At least she doesn't bite!

How Donna our usual clipper in the UK does it on her own beats the pair of us. Though I always stand and chat to her, supplying her with tea and occasionally holding one if it plays up.
Here's today's from the "fail".

1. Across is Sandwich. ;)

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Hey ho, off to start clipping the dog. We have to do it in bursts as none of them really like it.
She is off to the vets for a check up on her ears and eyes this arvo.
Just got the bill from them, €36 for ear drops, :eek::eek::eek:, one of the 4 treaments we have to give her. Which explains why the bill was so relatively high.
Still the plum and cinnamon jam is very nice!
Have a good one folks!

The jam sounds really nice. :)
Another "unpaid gardener" session today. :(
Her son was up there on Sunday and managed a whole bucket of snipping before the prick pricked his liddle fingy-winger and gave up; retiring indoors to eat all the biscuits and read the paper.
So, me-n-'er had one last big push and now all the bramble is down to ankle height and the hawthorn bush is well and truly scalped/sculpted.
That's it as far as I'm concerned.
I've just had my windscreen changed. I got a nasty star shaped chip while I was out at the weekend and then on the way home it went 'ping' and cracked right across. A man came round and put a new one in very deftly in about five minutes with a technique that reminded me of filleting fish. I was going to just leave him to work on his own but he was very chatty and talked about his kids, including one who's an artist and is starting to make a name for herself
I've just had my windscreen changed. I got a nasty star shaped chip while I was out at the weekend and then on the way home it went 'ping' and cracked right across. A man came round and put a new one in very deftly in about five minutes with a technique that reminded me of filleting fish. I was going to just leave him to work on his own but he was very chatty and talked about his kids, including one who's an artist and is starting to make a name for herself
Not a pis- artist then πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
I've just had my windscreen changed. I got a nasty star shaped chip while I was out at the weekend and then on the way home it went 'ping' and cracked right across. A man came round and put a new one in very deftly in about five minutes with a technique that reminded me of filleting fish. I was going to just leave him to work on his own but he was very chatty and talked about his kids, including one who's an artist and is starting to make a name for herself
Well I take that back just looked at her work may be placing a comishon am impressed with her work ☺☺
Clearing shed out
Sorting it and stuffing it back in by the looks of it
Why can't I throw things away ?
...cos the day, or the week, or the month after you throw summat out you'll find you need it!
Happens to me reglar, altho W doesn't always believe me. so I too only very rarely throw summat out.
Wish I could do though, then maybe I could get a vehicle into the garage to work on it!!
Another "unpaid gardener" session today. :(
Her son was up there on Sunday and managed a whole bucket of snipping before the prick pricked his liddle fingy-winger and gave up; retiring indoors to eat all the biscuits and read the paper.
So, me-n-'er had one last big push and now all the bramble is down to ankle height and the hawthorn bush is well and truly scalped/sculpted.
That's it as far as I'm concerned.
Tell him to flip off down some garden centre place, buy some decent leather gloves and get back to work, or he'll be left out of the will!!
But well done u'n'er for doing what he should've been doing.

He really has no pride does he?:mad:
I've just had my windscreen changed. I got a nasty star shaped chip while I was out at the weekend and then on the way home it went 'ping' and cracked right across. A man came round and put a new one in very deftly in about five minutes with a technique that reminded me of filleting fish. I was going to just leave him to work on his own but he was very chatty and talked about his kids, including one who's an artist and is starting to make a name for herself
Well I would!!!!!!!!
(Buy some I mean of course, silly......!!!!!!)😜;):)🀣
W is cooking dins for the first time since the 17th of May!!!:vb-banana::vb-banana::vb-banana::vb-banana:

A sausage dish that also contains tomato and basil sauce, mozzerella and pasta.;)
We are celebrating with a rather old rosΓ©, a 2016 Minervois (Domaine D'Albas) we've just started planning our wine buying for the year, so we find old wines that really need a bit of drinking.) And will be following it up with a nice old red to go wiv the dins!
Dog is more or less OK, the treatments are working, the (pretty) student vet was a bit concerned about how fragile the inside of one ear was so she called on the other (not pretty) student vet for a 2nd opinion. She had a butchers and beteen them they decided I was being a bit too keen on the ear-cleaning technique, so I have been retrained!
At least I don't have to take her back! (The dog that is!!!)
Enjoy the evening folks!:):):)
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Do you make chutney with them great with cold meat and game? ?
W doesn't really do chutney. I like it especially with curry, but haven't eaten it for ages. W doesn't do curry either. She has a very limited range of things she'll eat which is why we often cook different things at the same time. I also like a bit of chutney with cheese come to think of it!

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