Guid afternoon
Lazy morn but been gym this afternoon.
Checked my weight before I started 65 kg exactly, and after an hour's blood sweat n tears was 64.7 kg.
Geez need to sweat less as I'm trying to put on a couple of kilos.
Mm doughnut n coffee might help !

Geez thats just over 10 1/2 stone where do you get your clothes mother care, Ya skinny wee runt 🤣
Just got my energy bill from those incompetents at Shell Energy.
They have decided in this month to recharge me for months already previously paid (as per their bills and statements).
Incompetent, or money-grabbing avaricious ba$tards? I wonder why their profits are up 4-fold.
Probably because they are robbing people blind. Check your bills always. :mad:

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