Sunny here and clear blue sky
Someone coming to view my nieces MGC today so fingers crossed she'll get it sold
I'll be cutting and welding for a box to go on the front of my trailer and the bin men just bin :)
I'd love one o them. Last decent looking MG.

Can't buy it for 1/ I'm in Frogland and 2/ W wouldn't let me unless I sold sommat else!! ;)
Right then post a pic of yer noo landy badge ;)

This one?

Came home to a stinking awful smell :eek: ive smelt it before a dead animal yuk started pulling the house to bits until I found
where it was coming from in the living room in the wall or under the floor so burst up a couple of ceramic tiles :(
& chopped a bit of skirting board off & the smell omg with flys oh ffs 🤢🤮🤮 yup a massive dead rat :vb-sick: in the wall got it
out with a bent hooked welding rod. Thank feck...scented candles everywhere & bleached everything.

The joys of having a 400 year old cottage near a burn (stream for soof of the boarder) 🤣
So hilarious that the scots call a stream by the name of something you can watch and warm yourself with after you have set fire to it!!!!

Rabbie Burns. No he doesn't, Robbie Streams, oh yes he does!!!!;)
Know the problem we get fat doormice that love roofs and chewing wood and can hibernat for up to 8 months a constant battle about the same size as a rat little shi--
We have "loirs" that come in at 3 in the morning and stomp about int roof space over your head in concrete boots, afore sttling down to kip.
Technically you aren't supposed to do anything about them.;)

Wots this stuff.
Do a search as there is no point in me posting a pic of what we have, as its all in Cyrillic language ;)

Think "Rat x " or something like that is similar stuff.

We never have an issue in the summer, they come back to the warm house in the winter.
We also have to be carful as we now have cats, which to be honest seem to have kept the population away, or was it the mild winters🤔.


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