I keep getting ads for something that kills even bramble and Ivy.
https://goodgrow.uk/start-here/ I am tempted.
Just read through all this.
It is just a big advert for "Doff" which is Glyphosate.
So doen't help us.

When it came to bleach it couldn't say why it wasn't effective, it just claimed it wasn't, whereas other sites will tell you it is too good and will prevent other stuff growing there again for years/

So I think bleach is what we will have to use.
And if that don't work, drain cleaner!;)
I got some of this for Mum &Dad when I was home last time as they have this Mares tails/horse tails and it’s supposedly a right sod to get rid of. It’s coming from next door it’s a right pain.

Must ask how it worked.

Our horticuluralist dottir has a technique for getting rid of mare's tails. First you need to wet then to get them to open their pores or stoma or whatever they are called, then put on a pair of rubber gloves, then a pair of cloth ones. Dip the gloves in glyphosate based weed killer then run your hands up and down each individual mare's tail. and if necessary do it again and again. A week or 10 days apart.

We have them on the front of our place in the UK, right pain!
Happy Friday peeps!
Our son and family came yessdi, enjoyed the pool then we set off into the Montagne Noire then down to the Canal du Midi for dins.
Really good restaurant full to bursting, fully booked for nights ahead, fantastic meal.
Then back arriving home at midnight. (1 1/2 hr drive in each direction, but the scenery is amazing.):):):):)

Hot again today, will open the pool in a min then off to do some shopping, Monday and Tuesday lots of places will be closed as Tuesday is a bank holiday so lots of places, (let's be honest, all of them) will be closed Monday to, "faire le pont" (which is their phrase meaning "Take yet another bliddy holiday that they aren't really entitiled to merely cos the BH falls a day away from a weekend!)
So son etc off in their camper van to Pals in eSpain for their hols. Sooner them than me, the heat would do me in!

Have a good one peeps!:):):)

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