Ahhh... But! At least 2 Oz of fat will ooze out of the burger to be consumed in the fiery flames and give me that wonderful "flame-grilled" taste. Plan is to be 13-7 by Xmas. :D
For years I have hovered around the 16st mark, usually slightly above and very rarely below. A few weeks ago we stopped getting snack food in, krisps n choccy and the like. Just eating normally. My weight is dropping by a couple of pounds a week, with no effort. Prolly put it back on again next month, off for a couple of weeks on the sunny isle.
For years I have hovered around the 16st mark, usually slightly above and very rarely below. A few weeks ago we stopped getting snack food in, krisps n choccy and the like. Just eating normally. My weight is dropping by a couple of pounds a week, with no effort. Prolly put it back on again next month, off for a couple of weeks on the sunny isle.
I've lost 18# on my not-dieting diet this time around. Only 36# more to go. :)
I did this on my own before Covid and dropped from 15-7 to 12-7 very quickly.
Lots of meat, fish, eggs, cheese etc.
We don't do cakes, biscuits, sugars or jams etc. Just very, very limited carbs.
Sunday is our "treat day" with a single large roasted potato cut into lots of small bits and shared between the two us.
She is a type-2 diabetic and she's lost lots of weight and feels great.

Enjoy your holiday, the diet will be there when you get back and the losses will re-start.

Came home to a stinking awful smell :eek: ive smelt it before a dead animal yuk started pulling the house to bits until I found
where it was coming from in the living room in the wall or under the floor so burst up a couple of ceramic tiles :(
& chopped a bit of skirting board off & the smell omg with flys oh ffs 🤢🤮🤮 yup a massive dead rat :vb-sick: in the wall got it
out with a bent hooked welding rod. Thank feck...scented candles everywhere & bleached everything.

The joys of having a 400 year old cottage near a burn (stream for soof of the boarder) 🤣
Came home to a stinking awful smell :eek: ive smelt it before a dead animal yuk started pulling the house to bits until I found
where it was coming from in the living room in the wall or under the floor so burst up a couple of ceramic tiles :(
& chopped a bit of skirting board off & the smell omg with flys oh ffs 🤢🤮🤮 yup a massive dead rat :vb-sick: in the wall got it
out with a bent hooked welding rod. Thank feck...scented candles everywhere & bleached everything.

The joys of having a 400 year old cottage near a burn (stream for soof of the boarder) 🤣
We have tree rats here they get under the roof tiles I put out poisen they die but the smell is awfull and create loads of flys...

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