I want to move somewhere that means you don't have to fight over every square cm of land. Somewhere that has empty space you can go to if you wish without people getting angry at you just because you exist.
I don't want to be Kermit the hermit.. just not live so close to someone you can hear them flush
That's what inspired us to be where we are no people only when we want them but I'm afraid you have got to be a bit reclusive the cost you have to pay for the life style πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
If they want to increase a med, they surely have to have a valid justification?
I can't stand the "1-size-fitzall" approach to some conditions that the NHS & GP network seems to like.
I am prescribed Beta-blockers & Ramipril (both BP reducers) and yet my BP is normally low and beta-blockers just push it even lower to the point of silliness (90/50@58bpm).
Because I have had a heart-attack (2007) I am on their "protocol" Beta-Blockers, Ramipril & Statins. There is no specific study to see IF I am really benefiting from these medicines, it's just "protocol".

I stopped taking them for 2 years during the pandemic and I didn't die, nor did I have any further heart-attacks. What does that tell me?

I think GP's know jack about these things in depth and only a real cardiologist can give specific advice to an individual and they just "play safe". It's the patient that suffers all the side-effects and risks.

Anyway, I hear your concern and all I can say is ask the relevant questions.
"Specifically how long will this medicine increase my lifespan?"
"What do the studies show? i.e. If I take this for 10 years, how much more life will it provide?" (for statins 10 years = 2 more weeks) Ha! Ha!
"If I don't take it what happens, what is the increased level of risk of...(whatever) and in what timescale?"

Also ask "What is the minimum number to harm? How does this compare to the minimum number to treat for medication "X"?

In my experience most NHS Drs. are licensed medical bullies that cover their own ar$e with protocol following more than specifically making sure the patient has the most relevant and appropriate medication and care.

But that's just me and I am not a wannabe little god modern day GP.
When doc's have a set route of medication its generated by a study from a population of peeps who have had the same problem. The advice will be based on that. It will have been done by specialists in the field. A big one wiv cows and sheep. They will have set out a guide fer doc's to follow. Sometimes it dun't apply in hindsight if yer not one of the eye-risk cases. They dun't know that fer certain until yer have anuvver heart attack or die from one. Told yer so ain't the best option. There will be a general case for peeps to gain advantage from following said route of action based on their experience of what worked fer other peeps.
When doc's have a set route of medication its generated by a study from a population of peeps who have had the same problem. The advice will be based on that. It will have been done by specialists in the field. A big one wiv cows and sheep. They will have set out a guide fer doc's to follow. Sometimes it dun't apply in hindsight if yer not one of the eye-risk cases. They dun't know that fer certain until yer have anuvver heart attack or die from one. Told yer so ain't the best option. There will be a general case for peeps to gain advantage from following said route of action based on their experience of what worked fer other peeps.
Exactly that
I want to move somewhere that means you don't have to fight over every square cm of land. Somewhere that has empty space you can go to if you wish without people getting angry at you just because you exist.
I don't want to be Kermit the hermit.. just not live so close to someone you can hear them flush

Try a week on Jura. That would help you decide if that’s really what
you want
Yes doc was the same with colitis. Because blood tests came back clear of things they didn't know then I started loosing weight and bleeding they said may have to prepare for the worst (thanks) and that is how I got a colonoscopy very quickly. Never cried like that when he said it was colitis. Sorry for the detail, Because results look normal they assume you are fine.
...... and that is precisely how a German friend of mine died of stomach cancer. They did an "examination" but no colonoscopy said he had nothing.
A year later they cut him right open, a 12" scar and just closed him up saying , "Sorry, there is nothing we can do for you."

58, no bloody age at all.
and he was a don't smoke, hardly drink, kept himself very fit sort of guy.
They want to increase my meds because I've had a stroke. They have done loads of tests which say in perfectly healthy.
But their eyes are closed to the data and they want to give me more meds simply because it happened. They won't entertain the fact it could be COVID (vaccine) related.
The way i see it, if my health is good then I'm at no more of a risk than anyone else. I didn't have a repeat during the months after the initial one and i wasn't on any drugs then. Apparently the first 3 months are critical.. if you're going to have a repeat, it will happen then
As you may remember I had a thrombosis, again Astra-Zeneca related. The blood doctor did all the tests, the rest of the tests heart lungs etc all came up negative, in the end the blood doc had to agree that it looked vaccine related, put same in the notes and told me that once I had finished the blood thinners and my leg had gone back to as normal as it was going to be there was no need to take anything further, drugwise.

If you had Astra-Zeneca and it happened reasonably soon after, in my case it was about 4 weeks, then I'd try to get the docs to do what my lot did, i.e. test you for risk of stroke and if they find nothing then tell them to take you off the drugs.

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