There was an article about a water diviner in the local rag 'ere tother day. He reckoned he couldn't just find it but also work out how deep it was.:stars::stars::stars::stars: I won't tell you how he did that, cos you'd hurt yourselves laughing!!

But my ex s-i-l can do it, very handy when you are a builder. And he is the least beirdy-weirdy bloke you could ever meet.
He don't use a hazel y-shaped twig. He uses two wall ties bent at a right angle.
A friend I worked with used 2 biro outers and welding rod bent to an "L" shape. He said it was just a case of walking around the field/place and you'd feel something tugging and the 2 freely swinging rods would cross-over. Never tried it myself.
Steaming furious.
Having heard nothing from anyone either at outpatients or my practice, econsulted them this a.m. to ask what progress was being made.
wife missed a call from "No caller ID" so rang the practice. she said "The doctor says he is waiting for paperwork", double take from me, "but I sent you what he asked for, by email as soon as it was asked for bu yourselves and gave her the date and time, a week ago.
The female finds it and airily said "Oh yes, it has been sitting in the inbox, I'll send it over"

Ye gods and little fishes!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

So I sent them another eConsult asking "Do I have to follow up every blasted email with a phone call so your gormless, flipping wimmins actually carry out the requested tasks? This is cancer for God's sake!"

Doubt it'll make any difference.:mad::mad::mad:
went to the doc surgery at lunch to make an appointment, they close over lunch!
went back just now and was offered the 18th!!
of september!!!

good job i dont need to see a doctor!! i could have a phone appointment sooner, so i guess i'm being penalised for wanting face to face
Just heard three hillwalkers found dead in Glencoe, You must be havin some dodgy weather up there @kevstar . :eek: :eek:
That's not good, people forget how unforgiving it can be up there especially near Rannoch.
I know someone went up Ben Nevis and as they were up the summit someone walked up in flip flops carrying a guitar and almost went sliding down the North face. šŸ˜’
That's not good, people forget how unforgiving it can be up there especially near Rannoch.
I know someone went up Ben Nevis and as they were up the summit someone walked up in flip flops carrying a guitar and almost went sliding down the North face. šŸ˜’
Well, there a few endurance athletes who specialise in activities like barefoot hill running. I've seen some in Wales. But I take it the man in question was not one of these.
went to the doc surgery at lunch to make an appointment, they close over lunch!
went back just now and was offered the 18th!!
of september!!!

good job i dont need to see a doctor!! i could have a phone appointment sooner, so i guess i'm being penalised for wanting face to face
I know this sounds like a silly question, but if you don't need one why are you making an appointment? Is it in case you're ill later? Maybe I shoud try and get some in the diary early, for when I'm in my 80s in the 2040s.
I know this sounds like a silly question, but if you don't need one why are you making an appointment? Is it in case you're ill later? Maybe I shoud try and get some in the diary early, for when I'm in my 80s in the 2040s.
They've sent me a text to tell me they want to increase my medication, i want to stop taking meds completely, so I've made an appointment.
I don't want a phone call because I'll get fobbed off, I'm no good on the phone

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