Was supposed to go to the dottir's house this morning to do a bit of work, but son in law said he would be late there. So clagged a bit of paint on my spare bedroom. Then cut the grass while its not raining. Then couldn't be arrised, had a beer and now gonna have another one (at least one).
Nothing better than living your life for you pet's 😒😒
She needed both eye and ear tweetment.
another €145.
But she is a lovely old girl.
Vet was a temp/holiday cover, really nice, just has to write up her big paper to get her Doctorat.
Was better than the one who is the bosses daughter, not that she is bad or anything, but this one told me more, explained stuff better, and gave me a useful tip about treating her ears that none of the others had given me.
It's a funny way to meet nice people!:):):)

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