Just spent the morning trying to get someone in the UK to have a convo of any sort with me about my situation.
Eventually my GP's surgery got back to me so I've sent copy and translation of the Frog specialist's letter, pic of me bonce with said carbuncle on it next to a tape measure, and a covering email.

We shall see. ;)
Warm and dry here today.
Have a good one folks!:):):)
This afternoon was supposed to be workshop tidying (in preparation for the next roud of landy fixing) with cold beer and Cosi fan Tutti up loud. My wife doesn't like opera, and the Italian ones ( she speaks it...) with the really sexist plots annoy her.

But one of the neighbours just knocked on the door, set the dogs off, and booked me in for an afternoon of work. Now all I've got to do is figure out who they are for the billing. In a village of 30ish houses, our family have three, the bachelot clan have four, the garcins three, and trying to figure out which bit of the family actually live where is hard work..
Im in the dog house to what started as a joke now shes in the huff 🀣

Someone we know has fallen out with his girlfriend & she got a tattoo with his name across her back with a pic of somit
anyhoo the misses asked if id get one with her name & I said no chance why the fk would I do that. 🀣
Im in the dog house to what started as a joke now shes in the huff 🀣

Someone we know has fallen out with his girlfriend & she got a tattoo with his name across her back with a pic of somit
anyhoo the misses asked if id get one with her name & I said no chance why the fk would I do that. 🀣
If you have no ink at all, you are on stronger ground than if you have a few already!
But you could say sommit like, "I'll get one if you get one right across your forehead that says "Kevstar, Mah Maan fo evah!" Or summat! and if she demurs then YOU could have a right go at HER!. 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣

Yet again reminds me of the "Wendy " joke!! ;) ;) ;)
*****Stop Landyzone Asylum Cartoonist Press*****
Cartoonist pay review has been sorted after long discussion and many objections.
Im in the dog house to what started as a joke now shes in the huff 🀣

Someone we know has fallen out with his girlfriend & she got a tattoo with his name across her back with a pic of somit
anyhoo the misses asked if id get one with her name & I said no chance why the fk would I do that. 🀣
You could get her name tattooed on Kev junior, then anytime she wanted to see her name she would have to be β€˜very’ nice to you
...that I covered the second shed roof with plastic corrugated sheeting.
Allegedly we are heading towards some wet weather, so I'd rather do it before that arrives. :)
Just got it screwed down when the first shower started. :D


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Im in the dog house to what started as a joke now shes in the huff 🀣

Someone we know has fallen out with his girlfriend & she got a tattoo with his name across her back with a pic of somit
anyhoo the misses asked if id get one with her name & I said no chance why the fk would I do that. 🀣
Get a henna one it will fade out of existence πŸ’ͺ or say you wanted one years a go but you have an allergy to the ink 😘😘 or my back int big enough πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š

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