In the kit car world when wanting to get a fabulous deep shine on a dash board, we put layers of varnish down, not bothering to sand down at all between coats. Then we sand the top coat going down through the grits until we get to T-cut.
Old boatbuilderer's trick. Saves on varnishing over what you've just sanded down.

Yes I know you still do it in the end but it can be done with power tools and is quicker than you'd think!

Funny you said that cause thats exactly what ive done I remembered refurbishing and old Long long yacht a few years ago
& the chap wanted it done like that iirc there was 10 coats on the thing. The only bit I sanded was the one run. :)
Went down the ship got some teak facing board which ive stripped & varnished today. :)
As today has been a bit boring. (sun has only just come out) I have been working out how much rain needs to fall on our place to fill our underground reservoir for waterin stuff.
If 1mm of rain falls per hour then it'll take about 6 hours to fill it.

That ain't bad. No wonder we have yet to run out!

6mm reservoir isnt deep at all 🤣 I hope its really wide like a mile 🤣
Best fish and chips was Harry Ramsdon in Hong Kong 🐟🍟

The worst one I had was Harry Ramsdon's in Glasgow. Its now an all you can eat world buffy I was going to say buffet but
for some reason I though of buffy. 🤣

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